
Showing posts from May, 2022

A visit to Champaca Book Store

Bangalore Days- A good ending to the workshop

In dialogue with Amman Madan

Day-3 Puppetry Workshop

Writing is a lonely Journey

In dialogue with Mr.Sim

Not about writing at all- Walks

Bangalore Days- Rainy Summer again

Bangalore Days- Barefoot again

Thought of the day

Cycling Diaries- Office Ride

Jaipur Journals- What's in a name?

Poetry- Kisses and nostalgia

Thoughts- Writing is a lonely journey

Cycling Diaries- Five KM Ride

Music- Ada- A way of Life

Conversations- The little Things

Cycling Diaries- A ride after a long time

The Morning Walk

Thoughts- Cognition and Emotions over 5KM Walk

Theatre Play- Palimpsest by IISU Theatrical Society

Happy Birthday Sharayu

Thoughts- What's in a name?

Friends- A call after a long time

Music- Twenty Minute Car Drives

Thoughts- Involved in the conversations

Music-Twenty Minute Car Drives

Jaipur Journals- Daylight journeys

Thoughts- Writing is as easy as difficult it is

Movie- Marina Abramović & Ulay's "No Predicted End"

Movie- Vanaprastham

A Stroll during the Sunset

Jaipur Journals- Handful of Vegetables

Music- Parvaaz in Bengaluru Town

Twenty Minute Car Drives

Colorless Diaries- How it all started

Interesting Article- Anatomy of Night

Poetry- A walk in the wind

Jaipur Journals- The Barber's advice