Tuesday, March 28, 2017

TEDx Stories.

Reminscing the memories of my first official trip to Infosys Mysore as TEDxer brings a grin and lot of memories.

I here by decided to share all those stories with label, 'TEDxer Stories.'

It's been years since I got associated with TED. My journey with TED is special as it  provokes me everytime with new ideas and ideologies.

From watching TED Talks, to creating a community, "TEDxVNRVJIET," helped me to spend good time with amazing people in life.

It  taught me many life lessons and  also gave me a lot of new friends.

From now, I'll try sharing all the TEDxStories to keep a record.

Monday, March 27, 2017

A.Rahman made us talk for hours.

A R Rahman

Nothing made us talk for  a minute in the whole span of 3 years but 'Music' and 'Mozart of Madras' made us talk for hours and hours.

Besides being talkative person, being a conversation maker, I was made to be silent in few members' presence, not because of fear but, because of their aura. I was in silence acknowledging their presence.

One such presence was by my special senior, "Sharayu."

Never in her whole B.Tech life she noticed me, I guess. Whenever she comes across I used to acknowledge her and that'd make butterflies fly in me.

One fine day, as she comes as alumni and sits with my senior,  I happened to be  there itself.

While we were in our own space thinking about whatever was crossing our minds, I was humming 'Roja Janeman.' She picked it up and was humming 'Chinni chinni aasa.'

And then we started talking about what music is to us and what A.R.Rahman means to us. She is A.R fan!!!!!!! and, she sings so mellifluously!

I still don't know why on earth I never noticed that she sings. There we sat talking about music and musicians.

I met the person who could share the exact excitement I feel when I listen to A.R music. We were as excited as kids who gets their cotton candy. We were sharing all the songs that were flashing in minds. I couldn't believe that I was talking to a senior with whom I never got a chance to take a picture with. I couldn't believe that I was talking to the senior whom I admired a lot. I couldn't believe that I could meet a person who enjoys and loves music in a way I love. Many people love music but, the excitement we shared is something which I couldn't find in many.

It was indeed a special day to me as,  I launched my 2nd novel on the same evening. I also got chance to talk to her about my 1st book. We spoke for hours and hours. I got golden chance of listening to her singing live. The excitement we share is something which I can't express in few lines. (Another post to express our excitement)

Nothing made us talk for  a minutes in the whole span of 3 years but 'Music' and 'Mozart of Madras' made us talk for hours and hours.

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Jammin anthem. Yaara by A.R.Rahman

Yaara by A.R.Rahman

You feel the tune is familiar to you, the moment you realise it's the tune of 'Thalli Pogathey,' you'll be listening to A.R.Rahman's voice. Woah! Mesemerising start. Till now, this song was looped listening to Sid Sriram's voice and now, to  A.R.R's voice. I don't ask for any more remix or cover of this song!
This song will be on loop from now!

The whole song is sung by various artists. A.R.R is constantly on his work to encourage and empower all the musicians in the world. I wish his dream to be fulfilled very soon.

Showing sculptors, weavers, electricians and other workers, they urge for a border less world and bring a lot of positive energy. A great work by Lemon Yellow Sun Films. The song is weaved by so many highs and lows, it's sculpted bringing lot of energy and it's fixed with perfect pitching.

Before I talk about Jammin. I've to talk about Qyuki which is why the 'Jammin' is present. Qyuki is a venture started by A.R.Rahman and Shekar Kapoor to encourage arts. As I closely follow it, they started a new concept called 'Jammin' a music collabaration by big composers and youtube stars.

Jonita Gandhi, Sanah,Aditya  and many more. All these singers were youtube sensations and were picked up by composers. To encourage this, they started this collabaration. They launched Jammin anthem, 'Yaara'

Hindi version of 'Thalli Pogathey'

Monday, March 13, 2017

Sneak peak of the day spent at Gapminers with team and Harimohan sir

While I was preparing big notes out of the sessions which happened on last Sunday with Harimohan sir, I realized it's too difficult to write in short about it without losing the essence of it..
I decided to take time to write that later as, I don't think I can put such heavy stuff in thousand words or two thousand.

Sneak Peak of the day.
Everyone were in the slumber mode, sleepy mode due to all night partying, and night rides. I had a slight fear of people's absence but, they made my assumptions wrong. Vineeth, Ved, Meghana, Sloka, Vijay and Vandana joined for the meetup. We gathered at Gapminers, Ramaraju sir's place. He kindly let us use the space. He hosted us heartily on Sunday. 
Huddled with Harimohan sir to learn, to share and to talk.  No one had clue about our presence at Gapminers on that day. Save me from confusion but, my juniors had no clue of being called to the place.

Harimohan sir with his juice.
Starting with a casual conversation, we started talking about the reason of our presence at that place. The purpose of being there. Breaking down important life lessons, sir started sharing his views at ease and also putting us at ease. He talked about being secure, being responsible.
There was no more slumbering, people got interested into learning new perspectives and thoughts.

He started with the troublesome line, "I don't know," which most of us don't say  this as we're afraid of being called,   'duffer,' 'failure,' 'loser'

It's about knowing what you know and what you don't know. Talking about that we were made to write all our strengths and weaknesses. We could write two and utmost 5. Looking at our 'Um' moments, sir made all of us to share other strengths person by person.  The atmosphere was with all good vibes sharing our perceptions of our friends and also sharing their weaknesses which would be due to mere ignorance.

Talking about other perceptions, we came across many traits like, 'Learning mindset,' 'assumptions,' etc.
Time passed swiftly and we were ready for the lunch. KFC to the rescue and we bought meal boxes hogging the chicken while Harimohan sir was sipping his juice.

Anecdotes, stories, experiences made it interactive, interesting and more than everything, informative and intriguing. I had many conversations with Harimohan sir, but this one is different as we worked out together assessing my strengths, weaknesses, goals. 
I thought many people would skip the sessions but, they came and joined the conversation actively contributing their time to learn and discuss.

L to R: sloka, me, harish, Harimohan, Vandana, Ramaraju, Meghana, Ved, Vijay
If there's one of the many traits which I'm trying to imbibe looking Harimohan sir. it's joy of giving. I can't describe the experiences where I enjoyed on being the receiving end. He keeps giving his valuable time just because we can learn something out of it.  This would be the lesson which I will keep telling me all the life.

The best thing that happened is the response by the juniors. They were so excited about knowing themselves and was intrigued by the learning mindset and fixed mindset. In fact, the friends who came there were so enthusiastic about learning. I felt glad to bring right people on the bus. We had a great time. Before we left, I tried my hand in story telling session.

Spent a great day with the amazing juniors.

Phoenix Arena- Cultural Centre

Cultural Centre.

I have a lot of affinity with these words. I have good memories with the cultural Centre. I met Sr. Chinmayi. Later, I intended to build one. Cultural Centre.

Having these ideas, I visited Phoenix Arena which seemed to be same like my dream project. It has amphitheater, library, auditorium and what not. Such a beautiful place to hang out. I felt like I reached home. The green lawn made me forget the pollution which I experience in the city. This place will be the place which grows on people.

Check out their website to know more about them.


Sunday, March 12, 2017

Offside- Movie

This is my first Iranian movie. Harry suggested a lot of movies to watch,I think I'm on roll for all Iranian movies.

Offside is a story about women who are soccer lovers trying to enter a stadium where women are banned from watching the sports events.

It dealt with universal human emotions. As I watched the movie, I couldn't believe how difficult it'd be if it was a real situation and to my surprise, it was a real situation in Iran. Women are banned from watching sports in stadiums, crowds. Irrational reasons for irrational bans. Characters are developed so well and indeed it looked like realistic cinema.  Match lasted for 90 minutes and also movie lasted for 90 minutes.  It shows the real situation of the society. The director reached an extra mile by showing how helpless people are even though they know what they're doing is stupid. He didn't take sides but showed how it is in real.

Jafar Panahi is the director and I was told that he got inspired to make this movie when his daughter herself went in man's disguise to the game. I was surprised to know how he got banned by his country and put all the restrictions on his living. It's scary to even imagine his life under so many rules. Though after the government superficial restrictions he managed to make a movie and send it to film festivals to screen them. Inspiring. 

Friday, March 10, 2017

Perfume of the light purging the sight - Poem

Perfume of light is purging the sight
Black and white
In all bright.

I sit at the shore sulking with worries
I see the sun in shades, sinking into the sea

Perfume of light is purging the sight
Black and white
In all bright

In the whirl of identities

I fought for piece
Talking about peace

In the swirl of sentiments,
I became a warrior
Worrying not about what to come.

Warts and all has the whizzing violence in me

Perfume of light is purging the sight
Black and white
all in bright

O Sea, set me free!
Here I write what I want to let it go
Take it away. Far away.
Bring me not the burden I leave you

Take it away. Far away.

Perfume of light is purging the sight
Black and white
In all bright.

Veteran writes the words wobbling on the sand,

Waves take away, veering back the water,

Sea never returned what it took from him.

The world doesn't know what the water never returned to veteran

The world doesn't know what veteran left to the water into deep.

"War and Violence" were what the veteran left, leaving the shore.

Perfume of light purged the sight
Black and white doesn't make everything alright.

Saturday, March 4, 2017

Sunn Bhavara

Sometimes a song is set in loop for a hour or for a day. This song, 'Sunn Bhavara,' is exception. It is in loop for very long time. The way Sashaa Tirupati enchants with her voice is ineffable. Little notes does the magic. To listen to the mellifluous voice is a blessing indeed in the age of auto tune and techno music.

As ever, A.R is a magician and bounded millions with his soothing composition.

Holidays with Harry -Work

"No work is less if you intend to do good in whatever level you want to do."
I had a simple question, years back which pondered me. Which job is regarded as great job and on what basis the service is measured? This question pondered me in my schooling when everyone were praising IAS IPS people but not the others who are doing their work with great conviction. I asked the same question to A.P.J.Abdul Kalam when I had a chance. I listened to A.P.J sir saying, 'There should be equality is resources and went on with the answer,' which is vague in my mind as I was in the aura of his presence.

Being on break for long time is what more people feel as unusual. I was asked to try government jobs, M.Tech, M.B.A nevertheless Civil services. 'There's pride in those fields' they say, and 'a chance to serve humankind.'  

I tell the same in the conversation with Harimohan sir to know his opinion on it. He listens attentively and says, "everyone is important. A sweeper will do his job. An army person will do his job. There should not be any pride in only  few jobs.

"No work is less if you intend to do good in whatever level you want to do."

Queen of Katwe

It's a delight to watch varied cultures on screen. Africa is a continent of varied cultures and countries.

This a story of a girl who fights poverty, identity and give herself a good life to her family and herself by becoming Grandmaster in chess.

Phiona and her brother sell corn on roads to make a living. They find a place in a slum where children play chess. Games can change the way you look at life. It's a nice feeling to listen to many stories of sportspersons.  

Phiona becomes fascinated with  the game and plays many games under his coach's guidance. 

In the course of her journey, she gets educated with sheer passion for learning. Many instances depict how she struggled with her identity. Any failure in her game reminds her the place she came from. This reminds me of the mindset lesson. We destroy ourselves by our own assumptions.

The above writeup will surely won't do justice for the gist of Phiona's life story. Mira Nair's film, 'Queen of Katwe' is one attempt to share the story and she did great work by the directing the movie in the way she directed. 

Background score enhanced movie experience in a great way. I think I'm on roll for all biographical films. Looking forward to read the book,  The Queen of Katwe: A Story of Life, Chess, and One Extraordinary Girl’s Dream of Becoming a Grandmaster by Tim Crothers

Friday, March 3, 2017

TED Talk- augmented generative AI

It's very fascinating to see what future looks like. As every idea which is shared on this platform on future is so optimistic about the technology and the humanity. I love the way he puts every detail in order.

Beware of Silence- Poem

Silence can surpass your conscious lessness
Silence can scream out in your heart
Objectifying the reality
Ostracizing  the fiction

Beware of silence
For serendipitous can be the moment, in trice of silence
Serene can be the moments in trice of silence

Silence sails amid the slithering stories
For if you can observe, you can be silent


There are few stories which may never surface to the society.  Even though there are many stories on 'Ghazi' we may never know the truth.

The movie, 'Ghazi attack' is highly watchable. I didn't know how time passed while I was watching the movie. This movie kept me on the edge of my seat. Credit goes to the director who believed in the story he wanted to tell and did a great job. Looking Tapsee in the movie, I was sceptical about her role in  the movie but, director never got swayed while telling the story. Every character is portrayed well.

I'm glad to hear that Ram Mohan sir paved the way in the conversion of an independent movie to big production movie with stars like Rana.

Hacksaw ridge.

Few moments can etch you for eternity. A boy who hurt his brother at childhood gets mortified as his religion says, not to kill. The same boy loses to himself when he points his gun to his father. Then came the resolution in his life that he was never gonna touch the gun again. 

Life never lets you live in the way you like. There comes the world war-2 when all the youth sign up for the military.

In the act of violence, bloodshed, killing, Desmond Doss, the seventh day adventist wanted to save lives, he wanted to help people and joins the military to become combat medic.

 'Coward' calls his troop and trouble him to death who refuses to handle the gun and take a break on Saturday being seventh-day adventist. He faces every kind of humility but, never gives up on his beliefs.  His father comes into rescue bringing the letter from general about his protection on act of congress, to relieve him from the court of marshall.

Being combat medic, conscientious objector, he joins the troop for the battle of Okinawa. They ascend the stoop Hacksaw ridge and fight against the Japs. Both the countries lose many lives.  When Japs counter attack and send Americans down, Desmond on hearing the cries of soldiers decides to rescue from the carnage. 

He saves more than 75 lives working all night and fighting exhaustion and fatigue by praying to save, 'one more life.'
He rescues several soldiers and sent them down all night. After a daybreak, he saves two more people and gets down. 

Single person saves many lives and the whole troop gets inspired and decides not to leave without him. On Saturday, the team heads to Hacksaw ridge with Desmond after he finishes his prayer. This time, they outnumber the Japanese and secure the place. During the course of action.  Desmond gets hurt and comes down with the bible in hand which was presented by his girlfriend, Dorothy.

How far does a person go with a conviction on his belief system. Hacksaw ridge is the answer.

Thoughts- Do not waste your time with same old mistakes

Committing mistakes is the way we learn different ways of approaching situation or problem. When a situation arises, do not commit the same ...