Sunday, December 18, 2016

Poem- Touched by An Angel

Maya Angelou's

Touched by An Angel

We, unaccustomed to courage
exiles from delight
live coiled in shells of loneliness
until love leaves its high holy temple
and comes into our sight
to liberate us into life.

Love arrives
and in its train come ecstasies
old memories of pleasure
ancient histories of pain.
Yet if we are bold,
love strikes away the chains of fear
from our souls.

We are weaned from our timidity
In the flush of love's light
we dare be brave
And suddenly we see
that love costs all we are
and will ever be.
Yet it is only love
which sets us free.

Saturday, December 10, 2016

Right people on the bus.

During the conversation on "Good to Great," I and Harimohan sir spoke about "right people on the bus". How important to have right people around, to see success.

I also realised, how important it is to have right people to stay happy and to share the smiles.

After meeting  my cousin Pinkey, I felt contended just because of her warmth and love. I felt so joyful looking at her contended life. It's not she didn't had problems. Problems were just part of her life. So was happiness. She chose to delve in the meaningful and helpful feelings. Positivity and love. Having her  on  the bus, having spent time with her, I forgot to sulk and  kept smiling.
I realised how joyful was the time spent with her. Lot of positivity and love.

Always keep right people on the bus to stay happy to see the success.

Friday, December 2, 2016

In conversation with Sahayak.

I met a porter a.k.a sahayak named suresh at Bangalore railway station.
Many may take their time to guess what sahayak meant. But when I say 'Railway Coolie.' Many can relate now. 

After a stay for nearly 4 months, with too much of luggage to carry, I headed to railway station. Stroking his shabby beard, looking at my struggle to carry 4 bags at a time. Suresh suggested his work. 

We started walking down to 6th platform and I couldn't stop asking him about his profession. 

Me: Do Railway pays you the salary?

Suresh: No, they give you license. We paid hefty amount back then when we were told that we'd get a permanent job in railways, 7 years till now but still nothing rolled on to our plate.

After a long pause,
Suresh: Are you a student?

Me: Yes

Suresh: I also finished P.U and then had to work to run the family and slowly I married and now I have son who is doing ITI in mechanical branch.

Me: To add, I said, even I'm Mechanical engineer.

Suresh: Education. I had to stop my education since I had to earn money as my father passed away. That's why I educated my son. After this ITI, my son can write exams for train drivers and he can lead a good life.

Me: When will you get permanent job in this railways?

Suresh: We were told that we'd get. I don't know when.

As we had this conversation, we reached 6th platform. It was a good experience to see suresh's perspective on education. And also how true it is about parents to wish their children to reach a far mile which they couldn't reach.

Being scared of Bangalore traffic, I reached station very early. I thanked suresh for the help.  I wish his son make him proud by leading a good, better life.

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

You do what you really want to do.

Complaining. We often complain everything.

The most common sentence among my peers is,  "I have no time."

Long back, during my high school, I was told, "Prime minister of India has 24 hours and so do you!"

There were many instances where I realized, we do what we really want to do. We convince ourselves by various reasons. We keep telling ourselves that we don't have time. It's not about time. It's about priorities. It's priorities which make us do what we really want to do.

How to set priorities? Spend 8 minutes before you hit bed. 8 minutes? Yes. Spend 8 minutes noting down all your works and number them according to priority When someone asks about some work, do not say "I have no time." but say,

Sunday, November 27, 2016

A walk with an old friend.

After lived along with a lot of strangers, it was a nice feeling to meet an old friend. Back to Hyderabad and met Sunil a.k.a Elli.

It's been months since we met. Post college I couldn't stay with the gang due to frequent travelling.

Nothing has changed. Nothing really has changed except the surroundings. The incessant talks were inevitable.

I was the talker, he was the listener. He couldn't help this time, as ever. Whenever I blabber he'll be into the  'listening mode' or 'pretend-to-listen mode'.

We shared what all happened in our lives after college. It was a lovely walk making me think of good old times in college.

Monday, November 21, 2016

Writer's Carnival

Friend of mine, Nivedita, organized this event, 'Writer's Carnival.' To celebrate poetry, is to celebrate the life we live. And it was so good to see, Akhila, Rajesh, Sadanand, Pk and all the fellow poets of Twin Cities Poetry Club there and make it happen. I couldn't attend being out of station. 

Check out the experience of speaker, Harimohan Paruvu's who addressed at Writer's Carnival about sports fiction.

Friday, November 18, 2016

Gabriel Garcia's gem

If for a moment God would forget that I am a rag doll and give me a scrap of life, possibly I would not say everything that I think, but I would definitely think everything that I say.
I would value things not for how much they are worth but rather for what they mean.
I would sleep little, dream more. I know that for each minute that we close our eyes we lose sixty seconds of light.
I would walk when the others loiter; I would awaken when the others sleep.
I would listen when the others speak, and how I would enjoy a good chocolate ice cream.
If God would bestow on me a scrap of life, I would dress simply, I would throw myself flat under the sun, exposing not only my body but also my soul.
My God, if I had a heart, I would write my hatred on ice and wait for the sun to come out. With a dream of Van Gogh I would paint on the stars a poem by Benedetti, and a song by Serrat would be my serenade to the moon.
With my tears I would water the roses, to feel the pain of their thorns and the incarnated kiss of their petals…My God, if I only had a scrap of life…
I wouldn’t let a single day go by without saying to people I love, that I love them.
I would convince each woman or man that they are my favourites and I would live in love with love
I would prove to the men how mistaken they are in thinking that they no longer fall in love when they grow old–not knowing that they grow old when they stop falling in love. To a child I would give wings, but I would let him learn how to fly by himself. To the old I would teach that death comes not with old age but with forgetting. I have learned so much from you men….
I have learned that everybody wants to live at the top of the mountain without realizing that true happiness lies in the way we climb the slope.
I have learned that when a newborn first squeezes his father’s finger in his tiny fist, he has caught him forever.
I have learned that a man only has the right to look down on another man when it is to help him to stand up. I have learned so many things from you, but in the end most of it will be no use because when they put me inside that suitcase, unfortunately I will be dying.

Monday, November 14, 2016

Stillness is the key.

Conversation worth reading.

Letter writing for a reason.

It's so touching and healing way to read the letters.

I can't wait to read Jane Nater's Memoir.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

We forgot.

In the age of information. We are drowned by the judgements,opinions, prejudices, half knowledge. We are running to catch up which -is- never -there.

We forgot to sigh
We forgot to smile
We forgot to talk
We forgot to listen
We forgot to cry
We forgot to feel

Technology was ever there to help, thoughts were always there to learn.
We don't think.
We don't think for an extra second to decide what we want to do.
We need to stride the life but not let something stride you.

Being in control is controlling yourself to be what you want to be.

Be in control.

Colours are ephemeral lasting for a trice.

                                                                                 Painting by Prashanti.

                                       Colours are ephemeral while her eyes are at my sight.

Life was  a night without the moon, soaring in darkness.
Life was a dark tunnel seeking the light at end.
Life was no more without a light, when she streaked at my sight.
Blue  blemishes bearing  white.
Purple purges out the pure emotions.
It's her eyes that are revealed
And colours are ephemeral lasting at a flick.

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Interesting work.

Interesting story of an afforester, eco entrepreneur, Shubendusharma. Check out the interview of

Be the boss whom you want to have.

On a journey from my place to Yeshwantapur  railway station, I hailed a cab and shared it with a fellow passenger.
Thanks to Bangalore traffic, we were on road for a long time. Past 10 minutes, we were engaged in a conversation about Bangalore weather and its traffic. After a very casual conversation with the driver, he started asking about my education and profession. After I answered him, I asked about his background.
Married at an early age and in need of money to manage the family, he flew from his village  to Bangalore. Bengal to Bangalore. He works for a software engineer. His boss owns the vehicle and pays this driver monthly. He enquired how software engineer life is? He assumed lavish life and large amount of money.

I said 'Yes. Only when you get good manager and good team, if not, you have to forget peace in life.'
He said unobtrusively, "My master is always hard on me" I wonder how his master is.

He neither nagged nor questioned but simply told a line which provoked a thought in me.

All of us wish for an understandable boss and an encouraging team.  When we get an opportunity of being a boss or team player we should not forget to be whom we wish to have.

Be the boss whom you want to have.

Creative business cards.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Wisden's review on '50 Not out.'

Review on '50 Not out' by Wisden India. It's good to read this review on this book.
I'd suggest this book to all people who are working  in team environment.

'Born to fly' by M.P. Anil Kumar

Reading article by Josy Joseph on new book 'Born to fly' which is yet to release on November 9, I decided to pre-order the book.

The book is a biography of military hero and inspiration to many others, 'M.P.Anil Kumar,' written by his course mate Air commodore Nitin Sahe.

To read true accounts is always to learn and get a new perspective.

Read the article by Josy Joseph here,

To order the book, check out,

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Saturday, October 29, 2016

TEDxBangaloreWomen. A beautiful experience.

TEDWomen is the most celebrated event during the end of the year. I was all ready to attend TEDxBangaloreWomen to get the TED experience.

It's great to meet people and get to know many perspectives which boggles your mind.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Quote for a thought.

                         "Never again will a single story be told as though it's the only one."
                                                                                                                        -John Berger


Devdutt Patnaik comes with relatable tales and narrates with so much of conviction.
In this talk, he described  the promise land and his business model '3B'

Recommended talk for all the people who are interested in business.

Monday, October 24, 2016

Article to read about pioneer in optogenetics.

Interesting article about how the research came to  the light lately.

“It’s funny to think about how science regards when something is proven,” he added, noting that scientists build on each others’ work, sometimes working together while at other times working in parallel, scrambling onto one another’s shoulders. “There’s both intentional and unintentional teamwork,”

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Beautiful talk by Sinu Joseph on Menstruation
Till now I thought we are only screwing the nature which is around us but no sooner I watched this talk, I realised that we are even screwing the human nature not mentally but also physically.
Do watch it. Sinu Joseph you are doing great work.

Friday, October 21, 2016

Quote for a thought.

"Never again will a single story be told as thought it's the only one."
                                             -John Berger

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Quote for a thought.

"Charity is measured by a good will"

Thought of the hour - Conversation.

Conversations are catlaysts to the dreams.

There are few conversations which turn your life upside down. There are conversations which can make you have butterflies in stomach. Conversations are the cart wheels of your thoughts. Conversations atlast will boost you to do what you want to do.

By the way, I'm not talking about cynical conversations. I'm talking about conversations which either will lighten you up or lift you up.

To have  good friends around you to talk about stuff which provoke you to have perspective is something which no one want to miss.

Thinking about conversation, I quote William Temple line.

"The most influential of all educational factors is the conversation in a child's home."
            -William Temple

Conversations are very influential. That's the power of a conversation.

Make a conversation. Make a perspective.

Saturday, October 15, 2016

A good story to read.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Thought of the hour. Believe in your identity.

Believe in your identity. Believe in the inner voice rather than changing your identity to please the crowd. Believe is what you ought to do.

Monday, October 10, 2016

'Leaf by Niggle' by J.R.R. Tolkien

Leaf by Niggle is written by celebrated author J.R.R.Tolkien. This book is at its best having a deep yet a simple story.

This story is about creation, sub-creation. People say this story is allegory of J.R.R.Tolkien's life. I don't know about it. But this story is very relatable to everyone if they can think of  themselves.

Once if we relate the Niggle's life to our's. We can see the reflections. How do we procrastinate. How do we manage our lives.  I can't speak for others but, I could relate it. If one gives an easy read, it's a simple story. If one gives a good read it's an intense story.

It's about a painter named Niggle who craves for the perfection.  He strives for perfection in his paintings. One such painting which wanted much time of Niggle was a painting of tree. He starts painting a tree and, get obsessed with the leaves. He wants to paint every leave to it's perfection.

Imagining leaves, he starts imagining about  tree, and then it's shadows.And then, the mountains behind the tree.

Imagining a perfect painting, he never finishes it. He never finds time to finish it. You ask for a reason? His neighbour is the reason. Niggle has a dull neighbour named 'Parish' who is always in a need of help. Niggle helps all the time procrastinating his work. But he never receives help from Parish when needed. Being altruist, Niggle never complains.

Later, due to few incidents he'd be punished and when he comes out on a parole, he notices that his painting is turned into trash leaving a leaf on canvas untorn. Without a complaint, he visits a place . In that place, he finds that his imagination seems to be real. The place where the tree with leaves and mountains entices the surroundings. The painting which he imagined is  what he could see in that place. He neither sulks for the lost painting but enjoys the place. 

The ending of the book would be about how that place was named after Niggle.

It's a good book. One should read at their own pace.

'OPEN' by Andre Agassi and J.R.Moehringer

Trust me, I never knew Andre Agassi till I picked up this book. Not even once in my life, I heard about Andre when I was around my friends talking about tennis. (Blame my tennis friends.)

My good friend (Not from my tennis friend's circle :p) suggested me this autobiography when asked for few  book suggestions. I read the blurb. I got to know he is one of the legends in Tennis sport.  I was surprised when I read, 'Agassi hated the game since childhood.' This line intrigued me to find more about him. And I bought the book.

Before I talk about Andre's life, I should mention about the ghost writer, J.R.Moehringer. He did the work outstandingly. Every thought is crafted into a beautifully written piece. Andre covered everything in his life I guess. The pace with which the author takes you in this ride is overwhelming. He makes you laugh when Andre laughs. He makes you empathise when Andre stumbles in life. He makes you feel joyful when Andre enjoys. Great work, J.R.Moehringer!

The first chapter of the book is named as, 'THE END.'  That's my chapter name in my first novel'In between the bridge'. Interesting!!

Immediately, a smile shone on my face. No sooner I started reading, I was taken  back to his final game. The start was so dramatic with the description of his state of mind. I could immediately connect to it through his words. The description was filled with feelings, thoughts, and introspection.

Characters were introduced in the nick of the time for, Gil was the one, I found interesting. Everything was at a slow pace  until he entered the court to play his last game. Andre enters the game and as the ball paces up in the court, so is the writing.

The end of  'THE END'

I saw legends who loved what they did. I saw legends who did what they loved. Andre Agassi is the one who did what he hated. Playing tennis. Reading about his childhood, I was scared to witness his father's pressure on him. His father was so rigid on him.

Severe contradictions were running in my mind, judging his father while Agassi was struggling, playing against Dragon, which was built by his father, a ball machine.

Who on the earth would force a kid and scares him to the death, ordering him to play tennis all the day?

Mike Agassi does. Andre's father. Before we come up with judgements for his behaviour, we were given a perspective of why Mike forces him. Because Mike knows nothing, except tennis.  Andre's childhood was taken away by his ambitious father, Mike Agassi.

Having a rough childhood, tennis filled up his whole teen life. He used to hit the roads with his brother playing tournaments. It was only his brother, Philly and friend Perry who solaced Andre with conversations. 

Andre grew up and wanted to know who he was.

He wanted to identify himself. And in the process of identifying himself, he took few paths and left few paths (He's a school dropout.) he was totally bruised by the media misinterpreting him all the time. Media never bothered to know Andre's intentions. They named him as punk, rebel, careless celebrity. We could witness the confusion, sadness of Andre's when he was cornered by the world misinterpreting him. Andre's introspection was beautifully depicted in the book.

In the course of pursuing his hated work, tennis, he made a team, a beautiful team which stood up with him all the time.  Trust me! Having the best team to support you through rough and tought times is something which all look for. (I have my best basketball team. I know the feeling ;) )

Few conversations were jotted down in my journal, just to keep rereading them. One of the conversation  with his close friend J.P was about his identity.

"It's bizarre to have strangers think they know me, and love me beyond reason, while others think they know me and resent me beyond reason - all while I'm a relative stranger to myself."

These lines tell us how he struggled to put up with the world. Fans on one side, media on the other side and himself being a stranger to himself."

His introspection taught me a lot.

Be it about life, or fame or game, those were thought provoking and left me relating few incidents in my life. It was not an easy life. He struggled hard swayed by confusion on his identity. 

Mean while he talks about the women he loved.

I can't resist myself, appreciating J.R.Moehringer again for  making the writing so compelling and heart touching. His dull relationship with Brooke Shields was limpidly put on the book. And also, nothing made me laugh as I laughed reading Andre's first futile attempts to date Stephie Graph. I could read in between the lines to know his fervor love on Stephie Graph.

Coming to tennis, he talks about his rivals, his games. He talks about wins and losses. He talks how badly sometimes he wants to win  and sometimes how he want to move out of the court. He talks about Pete who is archrival of his times. He also talks about Federer mentioning him as a man with no weaknesses. He also talks about Nadal, amusing his speed on the court. I loved reading the game experiences. The writing is so gripping while it was about games or his running on Gil hill.

I have a lot to say about this book, few are his experiences with Mandela, Gil, his coach, his drug  usage, his discovery of value of education. I'd go all day describing each and everything but I'll better wind it up stating his school unofficial motto. BELIEVE.

It was not an easy ride for Andre  travelling with his fellows in life. He lived, he laughed, he loved and he believed.

A memoir which should be read by all!! God bless my friend Carolyn for suggesting me, "Andre Agassi," Thanks Carolyn! Kudos Agassi!

To buy this book, check out

Saturday, October 1, 2016

The Grownup by Gillian Flynn

I haven't read her 'Gone girl,' but, watched the movie. The movie was great.

Expecting a dark subject, I picked up her book, 'The Grownup.'  The blurb was

A deep, haunting description right? It is!

At one point in the story, I loved the moment of  excitement and anticipation in my mind, reading the lines to know what happened next.

It's a story about a female who  earns money  by manipulating the manipulatable.

On a fine day, she starts reading people's 'aura's' and end up walking into Susan's home. She thinks she'd solve a problem leaving a trap but, the funny part is a reader can never know who fell in whose trap.

I have to mention about the writing style. I loved the writing for the brevity. It's a short story and characters are portrayed well. There was a lot of sardonic and sarcastic writing, people had tough time witnessing my gasps and laughs.

The purpose of writing or reading a book is served when it can evoke an emotion within.
I laughed at times, got afraid at times. Over all I loved it.

Friday, September 30, 2016

Stories at sunset.

Attended a story telling session at Lahe Lahe. This was my first experience at story telling sessions. And the experience inspired me to write this piece.

Listening to Vikram Sridhar, the story teller, I was refreshed by the stories, thoughts, and his soothing humming in midst of stories.

There's lot to share! Will write about my experience in my next post.

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Writing prompt. Chinmayi Sripada

Though the boots clasped on the mud screeching, they only reminisce the soft touch of little feet on the land. Though the jacket insulated from the cold, the gentle breeze craved to caress her.

In the same woods, she walked aimlessly talking to trees, trailing along the paths. Nothing has changed while she just came in another form. Covering her from the nature, distancing her from the nature.

Trees craved for her touch. Trees longed for her lullabies. She hums while she walks. Every step  thudded on the mud meared the trees of her arrival. Boots couldn't stop the trees to know their little friend steps.

Trees towered her when she was 6. Still towered when she arrived aging 26.

Clutter was cleared by the entry into the woods. Serenity was spreaded over the sky. She looked up at the towered trees and closed her eyes to not llet the other moment sweep her away from the bliss.

With happiness in heart, she hummed, "Saara saara kaathu..."

Listening to her singing, trees hushed the air to not rustle their leaves, creating noise. Silence creeped into the woods like happiness into her heart. And there she started sharing her song with the woods which brought her accolades, awards and what not!

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

A good interview. Barack Obama and Doris Kearns Goodwin.

Doris is the author of "Team of rivals." A profound on Abraham Lincoln

Monday, September 26, 2016

Jaw dropping talk.

Your words may predict your future mental health | Mariano Sigman

Reading the title, I didn't know what to expect from this talk. Semantics is what I'm interested in as I love to play with words and their meanings.

Watching this talk, I was introduced to new terms (to me) 'Schizophrenia' and also a interesting personality, "St. Augustine."

Mariano Sigman combined neuro science, math, social science to reveal the information flowing through our brain. Woah! Too many disciplines to work on!

Coming to the talk, he cited how words revealed the culture of ancient greeks. He showed how the world of introspection started. They computed the whole work to know the advent of  Introspection period. They not only analyzed the recorded ancient greek texts but, also Bible.

They were successful in tracing out the rise of introspection.

Regarding their project, they worked with 34 people who were at high risk of developing schizophrenia.

They analyzed the words they speak, they mail, they tweet. They analyzed the recorded speech  and failed utterly in predicting their future organization of their mind. Interesting right. It was good enough to an extent. And then they emphasised on the tone of the word spoken. The context!

They brought in the context of the 'text.' They wanted to analyze the way the words were jumped in the speech.  They were trying to read in between the lines.They named it 'Semantic Coherence.'

And it worked. With 100% accuracy, they could segregate within the group of who developed Psychosis and who will not.

He also gave an anecdote of sensing the situation through his student words.

This is something which leaves everything to ourselves and judge. This can pave a way to introspect about our state of mind. And this is exactly what we need in this hour.

Lesson learnt.

Thought provoking question by Anjali.
"Would you buy your own book?"

Trust me. This precocious child never fails to surprise me. Read to know more about her question.

Tiger by Kate Brittlebank. The life of Tipu Sultan

If you're not a history buff, you may not like this book.  But, If you are! then you'll definitely have a good time reading this book.

                                                TIGER by KATE BRITTLE BANK.

This book will take you back to Pre-Raj India.
 India, where few rulers fought with British against their rivals and few of them against British. It's about the Tiger of Mysore' Tipu Sultan.

Things you'll get a glance about.

Tipu Sultan was the bravest and a feared one to British. So cherishable was his death to Britain, that the looting of his kingdom was an opening scene of Wilkie Collins novel, 'Moon stone.'

Painters, writers, and artists celebrated the siege and looting.

The author takes  you into the time when Haider Ali, father of Tipu Sultan was struggling to keep up with British. He fought and lost the war. Tipu Sultan was prisoned at young age.

Before he enjoyed the privileges of prince, he also experienced the imprisonment.Those childhood memories would have definitely etched on Tipu's mind which the author didn't describe it in detail.

Cool fact about Tipu Sultan. He is a Tech freak. His father made sure that he  was educated under good teachers. He was well educated. His knowledge on varied subjects was cited in the book.

He used to import gadgets of his time(Microscope, barometer, thermometer.) And not to forget, he was the pioneer in the field of rocketry warfare in India.

Looking Tipu Sultan as a ruler, a baseless perception  prevailed among the Indians, that he is a bigot.  This was shattered when I read few anecdotes.

He knew about religious harmony and also the vulnerability that religion could bring in common people. He didn't demolish other sacred sites without a purpose.( He only demolished the sites that stood as symbol depicting rivals in different forms.)

Like all the rulers, he was renown to accept diversity.

When he had tought fight with the British he inculcated Jihad slogans bringing back the old rival tales- Crusades. Funny thing is, he  also had a knowledge on futility of fights over religions. I infer this from his lines (to his people in Peshwa kingdom).

"Let the fire of discord, therefore, be kindled amongst them, to the end that they may, in this manner, waste(their strength upon) each other.

He had an interesting habit of writing down his dreams(even I do that :p). I write in my journal and his journal was named as "Khwab-nama."

The best part of the book is when author describes Tipu Sultan not as king or fighter but as a father and a son.

She  describes Tipu Sultan as good muslim and support her statements by these beautiful lines,

"Personal faith is not something that one can't measure with any accuracy. The only test for genuine piety is to judge a person by their actions."

Of all, I love this part. His obsession with the Tiger Imagery. He never revealed to which audience the tiger Imagery was an answer but British took it as their counter part because, lion was Britisher's symbol.

The beautiful ferocious Babri. At present, many museums in london hold the priceless, precious looted pieces of Tipu Sultan.

Besides all the wars, I find this one funny, Anglo Indian war-4. The time when media kindled the war.

When Tipu was in huge debt to British and when his two of his sons were taken as prisoners, he held a secret mission. Trusting a dubious origin french adventurer, he sent that adventurer to Maurtius to seek for an army. The Mauritius king put up a public notice recruiting army for Tipu. Bengal paper published it. And the rest is history. British invaded and Tipu Sultan was killed on May 4 1799.

This book gives you an over view of the grand life, Tipu Sultan had lead. Unfortunately, it's a very short one, after reading this, you'll be in search of more books about Tipu Sultan.

I should acknowledge the strenuous work author put in to this project.Author of this book has done a commendable work. Hail historian!

Take a bow Kate Brittlebank. It's an easy read and impulses you to know more about Tipu Sultan.

Sunday, September 25, 2016

TED tales. Meet my fellow traveller. Meghana

Memories flooded in my mind while I sat to write the summary of this poem.
Every line treasures the conversations taking me back into the Affable ambience.

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Don't litter.

The writer subtly described how we are spoiling the nature.
We blame tourists who come for a tour. And we forget that we are also tourists when we go on a tour.
Inclusive consciousness is needed.

This article reminds my Kerala tour.

While I was on my way to Allepy from Vandiperiyar, I watched a beautiful waterfall. I stopped by and got down from the vehicle. It was not nearby the road, I had to trudge between rocks to reach the fall. It was a small waterfall though. 

I wanted to spend some time there. I could listen to the crackling of water. I wanted to see where the water was channelised to. And I walked along the water through rocks. Beer bottles, soaps, all the plastic covers were there stuck in between rocks. It was a bad sight. I picked few covers and threw out on the land. We need to be little conscious about littering.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Happy birthday Chinmayi.

I know that I'm one in million who love Chinmayi for what she is. The above poem is an acrostic wishing her a good life. It was  written  reminiscing the beautiful conversation I had with her.

It was unlike meeting any celebrity. It was unlike one in the crowd, or it was unlike a special entry influence. I'd call it as serendipitous meeting.

When my friend Swathi told me about Chinmayi's performance with Anil Srinivasan at CCRT, I was so much excited.  I was excited for a reason that I could see my favorite singer. I never dreamt about meeting her and having a beautiful conversation.

I rushed to CCRT soon after my basketball practice. I could see the crowd scattered. I noticed Chinmayi's mother being busy who was sitting ahead of me.  I took a chance and went near her to talk. With all the broken tamil I learnt watching  movies, listening to songs, I introduced myself and told her how much I adulate Chinmayi and also gave her copy of my first novel, "In between the bridge." I'm glad she took it and wished me for my work. When I enquired about Chinmayi, I was  told she is at back stage.

"Wow, I'd love to meet her once."

"Go. Meet her. She's there only," she said casually.

I couldn't believe it. While I was thinking about what I heard, she removed a power bank of iphone and handed it to me. Go now and give her!

Who on the earth would imagine meeting your favorite by giving her power bank. I got an excuse and somehow crossed all the security guards. They were kind to hear me.

A ride with a stranger

Bangalore traffic is insane at nights. To say, I don't know when traffic will be bearable as I am new to Bangalore.

It was 1900 hours and I was waiting for my cab which I booked in share. After tiring calls to the driver,  after standing among the darting crowd and polluted space at church street, I finally got into the car sighing!

4km to reach the destination and we were struck in dead traffic. When my co-passenger and myself started complaining, we also started talking about how  the situation is at our cities. And then started the conversation. 

After knowing that she was from management, I wanted to ask few questions I had about Marketing.

"What do you do really? Sales?"

"There's misconception that marketing is sales,"she said with a grit.

After patiently listening to all my queris with all poise, she told me about the marketing.

"The well known stream is sales. Marketing Strategies, (Advertising, Promotion, Distribution and then Sales)"

Listened to many insights of a marketing person. I enjoyed the conversation. Bangalore traffic would be hectic, frustrating without that stranger.

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Nice link- Can visiting temple(Sabarimala) affect menstruating women?

Half knowledge is dangerous. It's better to dig deep and know the truth or ignore the truth.

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Idea to think. 'Bring on the female super hero'- Christopher Bell

In this beautiful talk, speaker, Christopher Bell mentions the serious problem. The influence of media on our life.

The stats and the information he provided in this talk are jaw dropping. Many of us fight for the equality only when we grow old enough knowing about the prevailing conditions in the society. We should not let the children grow with this inequality thought unconsciously!

Do watch it!

Monday, September 5, 2016

TED Tales. A meet up.

While I was enjoying the walk on the roads of Jayanagar, and waiting for my friend, Sharanya, TEDxer. There she came, wishing me with a smile. After we shared smiles for meeting after very long time, I was given sweets on auspicious occasion. So sweet of her.

Talking about our lives, we went for a walk around looking for good place to sit and talk. We finally found a place and continued our conversation. Her TEDx event, 'TEDxMSRIT,' is on September 17th. Two weeks to go. And she felt all excited, energetic, also hectic. Understandable.

I could see the team effort to engage with the community. One of the commendable things is spreading the ideas which are worth spreading taken from their community members.  When I was asked about my idea which I wanted to spread, I told this idea. An idea which changed  the thought process and further inspired to take action and help in many ways.

"Lay down on street for 30 seconds."

I never shared this idea on digital media but, shared among my friends, acquaintances.

Ever  felt these feelings, heart starting to raise, knees becoming weak, switching in the stomach, hands starting to sweat, feeling anxiety.  Fear of what people will think when you actually  wanted to do something, then try this. Go on to the street, lay down on the street for 30 seconds. I repeat street.  Not road, vehicles may run over you.

It is called as comfort zone challenge, which was researched well. It's kinda exposure therapy.

When you give a thought to try this, you feel inhibited, you give many excuses to postpone it and not to try this. But, once you step out of your comfort zone and do it. It'll help you to gain confidence.

I don't say, only this helps but, I say it helps.

Myself on the street laying for more than 30 seconds (Will share my whole experience in next post)

Here's the talk from where I learnt about it.

So back to our conversation, we shared many ideas which were worth spreading. We reminisced the Mysore days at Infosys. We felt very happy to meet who were enthusiasts about the ideas.

                                         L to R Sai, me, Sahana and Sharanya towering us.

Many of the TEDxers flashed in our conversation, once was Anthony Vipin, TEDxHyderabad Organizer, for his skills at playing Mafia and also for his altruistic quality. Great inspirer and we felt so glad to spend some good time with him.  No conversation ends without mentioning about awesome mafia TEDxers. Recalled those thrilling games which lasted till late nights.

Mafia Nights. Many are missing in the pic as they were out of the room for being killed. The last good bye picture.

Not only we dwelt in the memories, we also talked about the work  which had to be done at the event. I suggested her ideas which I initiated at my  community, 'Letters to the strangers.' And also the idea which Anthony suggested me, 'Pop a balloon,' Fortune cookie kinda stuff.

It was great meeting her after a very long time. Cup of coffee lasted for 10 minutes and the conversation lasted for, 2hours.

A day well spent.

Judge This by Chip Kidd

One of the reasons I love TED books is because of their brevity. They are short and simple, just like their talks.

The recent book I read is, "Judge This by Chipp Kidd."

Chip Kidd is an American graphic designer, famous for his innovative book covers. Based in New York city, Kidd has become one of the most famous book cover designers to date.

 This book is about how we judge things around. Everyone say 'don't judge.' But that is what we do from the time we get out of the bed till we fall on it. Author helps to clarify our doubts by saying, "what really matters is  not that we judge, how we do so."

Being a book cover designer, he truly rule out the quote, "Don't judge the book by it's cover" because he does his work to make people judge and buy the book.

With colourful  '!' and '?', he tells about the mysteriometer by which he scales his designs.

'!' stands for clarity, '?' stands for mystery.  Simple and very understandable.

He describes his experiences to reveal his designs and tell how he judged things which were at his sight.  He also showed how much our world can be a dazzling piece of art work inspiring to learn and grow*

Conditions apply, only if we perceive the world positively.

He writes about his experiences, inspirations in making few covers and scale them on mysteriometer.

Few quotes I loved to write in my journal from his book are,

"Early impressions are hard to eradicate from the mind. When once wool has been dyed purple, who can restore it to its previous whiteness?."
                                                                                                         -Saint Jerome (AD331-420)

"God was always invented to explain mystery."

                                                                                                           -Richard P.Feynman

Lines by Author, Chipp Kidd

"Clarity is sincere, direct, reasonable, basic, honest, perfectly readable. No-nonsense."

"Mystery gives us hope."

"Clarity gets to the point."

Being a designer, he tells how important it is to maintain the mystery at sometimes and yet stay clarified, atleast to himself.

Few of his covers.

It's an easy read and suggestive one for designers.

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Interesting question.

Monday, August 29, 2016

Inked word- Ruskin Bond

"Book readers are special people, and they will always turn to books as the ultimate pleasure. Those who do not read are the unfortunate ones. There's nothing wrong with them; but they are missing out on one of life's compensations and rewards. A great book is a friend that never lets you down. You can return to it again and again, and the joy first derived from it will still be there."

Beautiful lines by Ruskin Bond in his book, "Scenes from WRITER"S LIFE."

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Conversations caress my soul. A memory

Title: Strayed Stay

I'm lost.
Am I?
Am I not?

I leave places, straying from the way
I lead a life paving my way

I'm lost leaning into the circle
It's a knot bounded with the circle

Conversations caress my soul
Huddles hearten  my happiness

I'm lost
Am I?
Am I not?

Inspired by situations, I asked myself if i'm lost or not?

Background: No sooner my first novel got published and was launched in my college, I was at the verge of missing placements. I was in a mess. I was so attached to my work that I was still working to push my 1st novel to reach wider audience.

I loved working for it but I wanted  to forget everything for a time and work on what I wanted to do further.

I didn't wanted to do what I wanted to do further because, I was very much in love with 'now' then.

Conversations caressed my soul, my agony. Yes, sometimes all you need to do is to look at yourself from a distance away from you. When you're in too much of fuss to look at yourself from distance, listen to your friends who looks at you and help you.

Sometimes you need to listen to the one who gives you a new sight and leave you to the rest. So, here was the person who gave me a new sight by just asking few questions, by just making me talk.

Bhavana widely known as KBC, my mechanical junior.

I still remember the way she pursued me to make a decision which I made. To prepare for the placements.  I cherish the conversationa and the time travelled with in the course of my engineering life.

I sat for the placements and passing the three rounds I was placed.

When i'm in crowd and seek solitude, I feel i'm lost. When conversations caress my soul and pursue me, I feel i'm not. So in the fuss of feeling lost and not, wrote the piece, 'strayed stay'.

Reading this, I was suggested to stay strayed because that's how I always am.

Scenes from a WRITER'S LIFE

 Scenes from a writer's life is a memoir written by Ruskin Bond. His first autobiography where he wrote about the experiences of his formative years.

When I have to say about the book, without any second thought I'd say, "One of the best memoirs to read." Especially I'd recommend all the writers to read this book.

While I was reading this book, i had great time walking along with the teen RB who loves to stay close to nature, who loves India. 

He wrote with lot of wit and wisdom. Yes he is Ruskin Bond after all who never let his childhood die.

He was contended with what he had. chair, desk and bed, type writer. What more a writer needs? He is a minimalist. At 17 all he had was the same, now also he got same except change is size of desk increased in proportions. He still leads the normal life.

Writer's life is an observer's life.  Most of the time, RB lived in solitude. He was cornered and he cornered himself loving his walks. He lost his father when he was very young.

The book is very touching and things I loved about him are,

He was sure about what he wanted, what he could be.

He stayed close to nature and lived a normal life.

He walks alot. (The one thing which I always love to do)

Undoubtedly he is a great writer and also a great reader. Reading his mentions of book he read, Jaw dropping was my turn.

I quote his lines about reading.

"Book readers are special people, and they will always turn to books as the ultimate pleasure. Those who do not read are the unfortunate ones. There's nothing wrong with them; but they are missing out on one of life's compensations and rewards. A great book is a friend that never lets you down. You can return to it again and again, and the joy first derived from it will still be there."

Cheers to all the readers!!

And also he ends that chapter by saying,
"I think it is fair to say that when I was a boy, reading was my true religion. It helped me to discover my soul."

First when I read the line, 'reading was my true religion,' I couldn't understand it. Then he hits the bull eye. 'It helped me to discover my soul.'

Simply he answered my  ever pondering question, "What's the purpose of religion?."

There are also 3 poems he mentioned in the book. One was written by him.

He writes this to his friend Somi. And when RB was going through difficult period his friend sends the same piece to him.

Hold on to your dreams,
Do not let them die.
We are lame without them-
Birds that cannot fly

The last line embellished the whole poem.

The other poem is by Sarah Doudney.

The Pure, the Bright, the Beautiful.

The pure, the bright, the beautiful,
That stirred our hearts in youth,
The impulse to a wordless prayer,
The dreams of love and truth,
The longing after something lost,
The spirit's yearning cry,
The striving after better hopes....
These things can never die!

The other poem by Ernest Dowson

They are not long, the days of wine and roses
Out of a misty dream
Our path emerged for a while, then closes
Within a dream.

I'll no more give any excerpts from the book. Read the rest to go for a walk with the yooung Ruskin Bond.

Thursday, August 25, 2016

The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch.

I'm grateful to have good teachers in my life. During my graduation days, one of the Department which was close to me was Chemistry Department  even though I only had that subject for one semester.

I could walk into the department at any time and blabber out what all I want and still they'd be there to listen and share what little they know about the talk which we share.

Jyotsna Mam, my Chemistry Professor suggested me this book while we were having one long conversation about everything that comes under the Sun.

The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch.

I was given a brief introduction on him. In Carnegie Mellon University they had the series called "The Last Lecture Series,"in which the professor considering their demise would ruminate about what matters most to them.

So, this person being a Cancer Patient, will give his last lecture in his life about what matters most to him.

Dying man?  All the humanity within gets kicked to pity!

I learnt not to pity hearing few good words which I'll share in my next blog post.

I wanted to know more about him.

And there I was with this book in my hand.

At the beginning of the book, he answers the question 'Why? Why last lecture?' He knows that he was dying and he knows that he had little time left but, still he chose to spend a good amount of time for the last lecture.

All he could give was a lecture as he says, " I was trying to put my self in a bottle that would one day wash up on the beach of my children. If I were a painter, I would have painted for them. But I'm a lecturer, so I lectured. "

He takes you along to show the elephant in the room which is about, reveal what's in there.

I quote his lines,

"We cannot change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the hand."

He had some bad cards but he dealt with so much of  wit and wisdom. And he describes about all his childhood dreams which he almost made them real. Even though he did not accomplish his one dream, joining in the NFL, he got more in pursuing it.

He cherishes and feel grateful for his parents for allowing him to dream big.

He talks about the failure, "Experience is what you get when you didn't get what you wanted."

There are many lessons to learn and the most important lesson I was awed at was, 'Brick walls are there for a reason. They give us a chance to show how badly we want something.' He terms the problems and obstacles in the life as 'Brick Walls.'

Also, there are few tips to all the young men and women for their life when Randy listens to his friend who says,

"When it comes to men who are romantically interested in you, it's really simple. Just ignore everything they say and only pay attention to what they do."

A good tip to follow in life.

In his lecture, he doesn't rue about cancer or talk about his family as he'd get emotional but, he wrote about his family in the book. He describes how he loved his family. How he became a man who  planned out very well before his desmise.

I loved the book. It's a very easy read. But, sometimes you stop reading and take a breath to pay respect to him for the life he lived. Great optimism and he is the hero.

I'd suggest to read the book rather than watching his 'Last Lecture.'


It's always an excitement to listen to the stories of A.R.R.

Smile surrounds my lips, happiness hails from all the place I see. It's my childish excitement when I listen to the new tunes of A.R.R

Sahasam Swasaga Sagipo,

Achcham Yenbadhu Madamaiyada

Much awaited Album. Every song seems to surprise me all the way.

Watching the curtain raiser video, I can't wait to listen to the album.


 What gift is more precious than a book?

I was presented by this novel,'The Men Within' by the author himself for the work I did at TEDxVNRVJIET.

I'm fortunate enough to share my experiences and travel in life for a time with this person who guides me, encourages me and more than everything gives a sight, from which there's always something to learn.

Harimohan Paruvu.

I'd write more about our journey in next post but, for now, I'd share my thoughts on his novel, "The Men Within."

This is a beautiful book which gave me a roller coaster ride. This made me reminisce my cricket memories. This book has precious values printed to follow in our own life.

Turned a few pages and in mid of the story, I experience goose bumps, draining my mind with new perspectives, rationale thoughts.

It was not at all an easy read because I was ceased by the words which inspired me, which moved me. I took my own time to read, took all the lessons I could from it. I tell you! the stuff is not at all preachy. Those are like our normal conversations we have with our friends. But, are gripping while you travel along the characters.

It's a story about a cricket team of Golconda High School who had no fortune to look up for the win in whatever match they played for 20 years. The yielding team gets a new coach, alumni student who makes them believe that they can also dream. Trust me it's a tough job to make others believe in themselves. He hit it straight and the rest was solved slowly. They make history.

The roles are given to their absolute. This story is about the people who are on the field, so coach will be the mentor who doesn't tell what to do, what not to do, but puts ball in their court to act. He teaches them to make decisions backing their strength. In the course of their journey, they eventually enjoy their path and reach the destination, the win.

When I had an opportunity to talk about this book, we shared few sights.

The story is obvious. Yes, you take any sports-based story, the plot will be same but the journey which the characters go through is what matters. And also author being a cricketer, shares few deep insights behind creating the characters in a way he created. You'll live the journey which will take you for a roller coaster ride with all highs and lows.

As a writer I truly respect the amount of hard work put, at inking words on paper, describing the characters.  I bow to the author for the vivid description. He managed to describe 11 characters evocatively and also described other 10 characters clearly who supported to make the story a wholesome.

This book definitely cleared the air around me which hovered around regarding 'fear', 'attachment and detachment.'  No matter what, you've to sweat in the field to win. At the same time, you've to detach yourself from the long dream if you lose. And try harder.

All I would say is to grab the book and enjoy the read reminiscing your cricket memories.
Check out the book,

Sunday, August 21, 2016

In conversation with Harimohan.

It was a bright morning while I walked on a road canopied with  the trees by side. Smile sparked on my face looking at the Rain Harvesting pit which I scarcely see. I was on my way to Harimohan sir's home.

I was welcomed by himself, the towered personality, Harimohan sir.

We sat and talked. And talked.  I cherish the conversation as it was ranged from perspectives to cricket, technology and everything under the sun.

I acknowledged the plush greenery at his living place and said him about it. "Sir, I felt that I'm back to Bangalore streets looking at the trees. This place is so peaceful."

"I grew up here. Very good place to live around the nature. It's very peaceful." He mentioned. Glad to find these pockets of residences filled with greenery amidst sprawling concrete urban spaces. 

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Strange Men Strange Places

This is my first book of Ruskin Bond.

I picked up this book just by looking at the name Ruskin Bond. I didn't even read the blurb and started reading the book. The book starts with the chapter about a duel. This book  has many anecdotes happened during 17th and 18th century in India. I was introduced to many interesting places. I enjoyed reading about few soldiers. One of them is Benoit de Boigne who lead the army of Madhava Rao Sindhia. He administered very well during his time.

Within 92 pages, author briefed few stories and left me astounded by few facts about the advent of Postal system in India  and Mail runners.

There are few personalities author talked about who are worth to read about. Personalities like Claude Martine, James Skinner who became Sikander to the Indians.

It's a good read.

A warrior knows what to do in the field.

In the book, 'The Men Within' there is a  situation where, after losing a match coach asks the team if they wish for a win when they play.

One of the players says, "It's not important who wins or loses sir. You win some, you lose some.
Our parents, our teachers,our books,everyone says that. It's important that we play, winning is not everything."

Coach retorts the answer with his words.

"When a sportsman or a warrior walks on  to the battlefield, he has one clear purpose- to win.
A sportsman playing without knowing his purpose is as stupid as a warrior who is on the battlefield not knowing whether to fight or not."

I never read  or saw soldier straying off from their purpose in the field. It's very important to be focused in any situation. If not, we mess up the lives.

The aftermath thoughts should not be misinterpreted to have such attitude during playing.

Friday, August 19, 2016

Thought provoking letter.

I'd love to share a thought provoking article written by Tejasvi Balvuri.

If International Olympic Committee (IOC) would write an open letter    

Hi India, SORRY for distracting you every 4 years. I hope I did not keep you away from cricket for a very long time. It is that time of the era where world wars (1916, 1940 and 1944 Olympics cancelled-World War 1 & 2) are no longer common, and when there is no war of that magnitude we have to conduct Olympics every 4 years. So SORRY about that and to start of with:

SORRY to introduce you to athletes from parts of the country (India) that you haven't even heard of. I really understand how much pain you have to go through to "google" new names every olympics and to find out that these places exist in India.

SORRY, to introduce you to new sports persons every olympics because the irony is in a few years these athletes are not seen in olympics 2020, rather you see them trying to win a "meal" for themselves and their families on a daily basis in the future. (It is the same story that repeats its self in almost all the events).

And I am really SORRY to show you that your women are better at sports than your male counterparts. I really feel bad for the so called male chauvinistic groups because even after putting the women through daily routine of trials and tribulation, it is the women who perform way better than their male sports persons. It is really heart-rending to see that in a country that rejoices at the birth of "male" child has to act like it is happy and jubilant when it's women bring you the highest laurels at this level.

And finally, SORRY to show you that there 41 different kinds of sports that are played in the Olympics and CRICKET is just not one among them.

P.S. "A government or a system is mostly a reflection of what the people in the country demand". You only ask for cricket and forget about the other sports this is what happens (currently at 61st spot in the medals tally and just for your knowledge India is the 2nd most populous country in the world). However, I would say you are lucky at least in one aspect India, you ask for a male child for prosperity and yet it is the women who have prospered in the Olympics.

Geneva Journals- The First Run of 2025

 It's been ages since I ran. I always wanted to run and never put my running shoes on. Today, after dropping S at the airport, I took of...