Monday, October 10, 2016

'Leaf by Niggle' by J.R.R. Tolkien

Leaf by Niggle is written by celebrated author J.R.R.Tolkien. This book is at its best having a deep yet a simple story.

This story is about creation, sub-creation. People say this story is allegory of J.R.R.Tolkien's life. I don't know about it. But this story is very relatable to everyone if they can think of  themselves.

Once if we relate the Niggle's life to our's. We can see the reflections. How do we procrastinate. How do we manage our lives.  I can't speak for others but, I could relate it. If one gives an easy read, it's a simple story. If one gives a good read it's an intense story.

It's about a painter named Niggle who craves for the perfection.  He strives for perfection in his paintings. One such painting which wanted much time of Niggle was a painting of tree. He starts painting a tree and, get obsessed with the leaves. He wants to paint every leave to it's perfection.

Imagining leaves, he starts imagining about  tree, and then it's shadows.And then, the mountains behind the tree.

Imagining a perfect painting, he never finishes it. He never finds time to finish it. You ask for a reason? His neighbour is the reason. Niggle has a dull neighbour named 'Parish' who is always in a need of help. Niggle helps all the time procrastinating his work. But he never receives help from Parish when needed. Being altruist, Niggle never complains.

Later, due to few incidents he'd be punished and when he comes out on a parole, he notices that his painting is turned into trash leaving a leaf on canvas untorn. Without a complaint, he visits a place . In that place, he finds that his imagination seems to be real. The place where the tree with leaves and mountains entices the surroundings. The painting which he imagined is  what he could see in that place. He neither sulks for the lost painting but enjoys the place. 

The ending of the book would be about how that place was named after Niggle.

It's a good book. One should read at their own pace.

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