
Showing posts from June, 2019

Social Media Sabbath

Social Network Sabbath

Thoughts of the day.

Stories from Sirohi

Nice Article- Worth Reading

Video- Worth Watching

Thought Experiment - Social Media Sabbath

Happy birthday Teddy

Nanasense by J P Das

Learning & Livelihood

Other Words for Home by Jasmine Warga

Quote of the day

An Off Day Game

Disconnection between Schools and Society- Thoughts

In dialogue with Gautam

Memories- Gadget free Goa trip.

New Blogging confusion- Thoughts

In conversations with co-passengers

Social Media Sabbath

Thoughts- Clueless with a lot of clarity.

The Undivided Attention Podcast

Thoughts on Education- Imitation of the practices.

The Future of Education - Yuval Noah Harari & Russell Brand - Penguin Talks

Banter at Breaks

Education- My first Class

Education- Content and Curriculum

Technology, teaching and my education.

Thoughts- Bad inspiration

Music Memories- Ek Mohabbat Taj Anthem

Music Memories - Fiqrana

Nice Read- Truth, technology and teacher.

Nice read- Welcoming move

Education- Identities

Kalandri Diaries

Excerpt from What is worth teaching.

The lives of others- Movie

Drama Workshop Days

Thoughts on Education

Silence and Kids

Travel Diaries 2 - Uttarakand