Thursday, August 31, 2017

TCS Toast Masters

This time, attended TCS maitree Toast Masters at Deccan Park. I couldn't speak for many reasons and listened to all the speakers. Elsa accompanied me. I wanted her to speak but she didn’t. The session went on with the theme of “Onam.”
Rachana, being Toast master of the day, briefed the story of onam and welcomed us heartily. Of all, Arpit communication skills grabbed both of our attention. Had a great time listening to many speakers. I was also happy to receive “the best listener” tag.

Annabelle- Movie

I have no great interest in horror movies. I rarely watched horror movies. Though I watched Annabelle, I don’t consider it being a horror or scary to me at least. I laughed a lot watching the movie. The background score wasn’t helping to make the scenes intense.  Janice is very pretty. I loved listening to many names. Charlotte, Janice,  Annabelle and a lot of nice names.

Group of girls from orphanage joins a family where parents lost a daughter. Janice does what she’s not supposed to do. She gets into a room. She gets possessed and kill the rest.

I found it funny, boring.

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Evening at Mc Cafe

Evening at Mc cafe

Mc Cafe is a coffee-house-style food and beverage chain owned by Mc Donalds. As it was introduced in India at various outlets, we got passes to visit and make our own coffee or smoothies. Interesting promotion. Never expected such a free visit into kitchens of the cafe.

Though I wasn’t sure how it worked, we were welcomed with a hearty smile by person from Mc Donalds when we showed the passes. Promotional passes always include invisible terms and condition applied. But, to our surprise, nothing was critical about this visit.

Reshma, person from Mc Donalds showed the back door entry. We were excited to enter the kitchen section. She reached outside to assist us all the way. We were given head masks. Excited Elsa, Azith and I went in for the detour of McCafe.

We were shown veg and non-veg section, patty making machines, Mc egg machines. Everything was so machinsed. At the click of the the button we can make everything.

Patty machine
After the detour, we reached the corner of the store and also a place visible to the customers. Being there with head mask seemed weird but a new experience.
Falunting witht the headmasks.
Azith, Elsa and myself

We were given a choice to prepare coffee and frappes. I was suggesting mocha since the design seemed quaint.

Reshma assisted us and helped Elsa making a mocha. Thanks to her Rangoli skills, she finished the design with a swag.

Azith was up for anything. He was comfortable being spectator rather than doer. Ask for his choice, “anything” is the answer. Before we were settling on whom the mocha belongs to, we decided to prepare frappes. Elsa, not being a big Oreo fan, she wished to prepare Choco frappe . At the end, she had to oblige for the Oreo flakes.

With ever cool, smiling Reshma

So happy to see her excited. And Azith was equanimous being there.

All the time, he was enjoying the whole experience. I was excited trying my hands at frappes and coffees as it’s my first time experience in the kitchen.

Reshma, person at McCafe was cordial to us.She assisted us well to prepare yummy frappes. Besides managing us, she was also guiding her co-workers to finish the orders as quickly as possible. Never for a minute, she lost her cool when few machines weren’t working. She fixed it up in a trice and let us a had great experience.

Kudos to Reshma and her team.

With 3 drinks, we were out with a smile. Azith had his first coffee ever because of us. He didn’t utter a word asking for any other drink. Elsa was happy. Three of us had great time. Thanks to McCafe.

Friday, August 25, 2017


Long rides on bike are rarity to me. I find myself being a pillion rider alot of times but not the rider.

As I rode a long distance today, distance never seemed long with the company of good friend. Thinking about it, I was flashed with lots of memories.

I miss the time of travelling to the corners of the city on bikes during tournament seasons. I miss riding to homes after practice.

Long legged Vikas used to sit behind me while I rest my elbows on his knees. Distance never mattered as we were delved in lots of conversations.  I politely reject to ride when I get a chance to ride in city. With my people, I get no choice.

I miss those conversations. I miss those rides. Recalling the conversations,  I’m up for rides at least to have a good time and heartful conversation.

Be it Madhu or Vikas, I remember riding with them a lot, leaving Uday as he stayed at other corner of the city.

We were never in a hurry, when i’m  riding. We used to talk. We used to discuss. We used to have good time.

Harsh and straight comments were given about plays. There was a sound of concern and care in our conversations.  

Of all, on this rainy day, with a tinge of heartful conversation with a good friend of mine made me recall all these beautiful memories.

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Smiles with strangers.

It's easy to smile.

A simple thought and decision can bring out the best in a day.

I decided to respond consciously to whatever happens to me rather than reacting in a frivolus manner. 

On a sunny day, amid hectic traffic, I tried crossing road at a zebra crossing knowing I'd be the victim of disgusted looks by riders on roads If only I hadn't followed rules. As I was crossing, I found a person slowing down giving me way. I smiled at him thanking him. He returned me  a smile.

Same experience at evening. Small smile from a stranger boosted me to stay positive for the whole day.

It's very easy to smile.

I wonder how my days would be if only, I had smiled instead of cursing people who obstructed my way.

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

A Nice gift.

What a thought of 10 year old kid.
Ishwa gifted her dad, "This Way is Easier Dad."
I love the way she wrote to her dad. A beautiful thought and gesture. Kids don't cease themselves with unnecessary thoughts. Loved it.

Caelica 83: You that seek what life is in death

             You that seek what life is in death,
             Now find it air that once was breath.
             New names unknown, old names gone:
             Till time end bodies, but souls none.
                   Reader! then make time, while you be,
                   But steps to your eternity.

- Baron Brooke Fulke Greville, "Caelica83"

TED Talk- Lucy Kalanithi

A.R.Rahman Interview- Weekend with stars

When Breathe becomes air by Paul Kalanithi

At first, I got to know about this book by gatesnotes. In a special and surprising way, I recieved this book as gift.

Paul Kalanithi was a neuro surgeon. He decided to write a book before he passed away as he was suffering from terminal illness- cancer. He's a graduate in Literature as well as medicine. It's interesting how he chose diverse courses and how he got inclined to neuro medicine.

Writing about his childhood and whereabouts, he mentioned about his loved on poetry. The poetic style is depicted in his writing. The book is poetic and I like his style of writing. 

Reading about his experience with patients and cancer, I got a glimpse of what it really takes to be a neurosurgeon. 

I found it amusing to see his clarity of thought of service and job. Now a days,  most of the poeople are considering 'Doctor' profession as mere 9-5 job but, not as service. In this capitalistic world, without any doubt, I say there are people who opt to service. I wish I meet them rathere than people who consider it as mere job. 

The confession he listened of his fellow doctor about 'wishing for metastases' is so human and I'm intrigued about such wishes of mine at times.

He wrote about death being objective. I wish for a death where it doesn't let others suffer. 

Paul passed away before finishing the book and it seemed unfinished but, Lucy ended it in a best way.  I loved what she wrote. Instead about putting herself in paul's shoes, she wrote being herself and gave the book the best epilogue.

I'm very grateful to Elizabeth who presented me this book as gift. God bless Liz.

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Storytelling session by Deepa Kiran

“Sojourn and Stories- Austria, Greece and Italy”

This session was hosted at event friendly space, Phoenix Arena. Deepa Kiran started the session describing, what is this session about.  She narrated few stories in between and showed more pictures and videos. 

She shared few interesting experiences and also talked about her new storyteller friends.
Deepa Kiran
Someone had to operate the laptop to display pictures and amid switching on and off the lights, she shared few stories and experiences. Few experiences were informative. Few tales were funny.  This session would be more exciting if only the technical stuff was properly arranged.

Saturday, August 12, 2017

Sunday Market Meet

As I was waiting to meet Harimohan Paruvu on a holiday, I got reminded of his words, "Very cheap and you'll find some amazing books. I'll introduce you to my friend Vinod. He religiously visit the market every sunday."

I headed to Abids to buy some good books. Being a demonetization victim, I ended up with 2000 note after  a lot of search in many ATMs.

I picked up few books and and was requesting strangers for the change. I asked the person who stood next to me and was surprised to see the person who looked alike Harimohan's friend. I forgot his name and  I saw him on social media but never met him.

Without a second thought, I inquired, "Sir, are you friend of Harimohan Paruvu? Your name starts with V!" I was exuberant to meet him on my first visit to sunday market itself.

With no expression on his face, he confirmed it's him, Vinod Ekbote.

After exchange of few words, he picked up 2 books for me and also was kind to lend me 100rs as I didn't had change to give it to vendor.

It's an amazing experience to meet people whom I  knew about but never met them. It was same with Elizabeth and now with Vinod Ekbote.

Hoping to meet him sometime soon at some other place.

Books he picked up for me  were,

Out of Sight by Elmore Leonard
The Manchurian Candidate by Richard Condon

Looking forward for happy reading.

Blogging- My lonely journey with fellow travelers.

I remember  following A.R.Rahman’s singers closely to know more about A.R, through their interviews and articles.

On such avid following of his musicians and singers, I followed Chinmayi Sripada during my schooling.  I was surprised to know her Blue Elephant work. I was even surprised to know her blogging activity.  In all rush, I started  reading her blog and loved whatever she wrote. With same rush, I created blog on my name and started writing whatever I felt.

As months passed, I was caught up in the whirl of social media and didn’t bother to write.

Thanks to my professor Chakravarthula Kiran. He mentioned about author Harimohan Paruvu when I enquired about chief  guests for my book launch. To know more about him, I started reading about him and also his blog.

Post book launch of In between the bridge, I was googling about the book. And I found an article in his blog. Shocked and surprised. I never expected it. Being overwhelmed about it, I thanked for the blog.

We didn’t talk much then but, I avidly followed his blog. His writing was simple and articles were simple but with damn interesting perspectives. I always listened to him through his blogs. I found blogging to be interesting and started writing articles now and then.

On questioning him about blogging, he assured me with a suggestion saying, “I write for a record but not expecting  any great viewership or miracles to happen through it.”

I was worrying on viewership even before I made an attempt to blog. Wrong way of thinking!.

I changed the way I looked at the blog and started blogging.

After I moved to Bangalore, I decided to write about my experiences but, not on blog, I met my friend Carolyn through her blog.  Blogging was the ice breaker to both of us. Reading her blog  pushed me to keep blogging.  She writes about her travelling and food experiences. Nevertheless I decided to write what I want to write and jotted random thoughts.

On a visit to Hyderabad, I met Harimohan at his home and discussed about my TEDx Journey. He blogged about it also. I was grateful for that and it inspired me to know more about his blogging experience.

On one conversation, he described how his blog made him  feel very conscious regarding the books and movies he chose.

Reading his blogs on movies and books, I found few amazing books to read and movies to watch.  It helped to pick some amazing books and movies. His blogs were not exactly reviews. He writes what he feels. He doesn’t bother explaining everything. He writes only about what interests him and what he learnt from it.

I started writing about books I read and movies I watched( Still need to update on the movies I watched)

On a further conversation, I realized how lucky I’m, to  get such  insights and to listen such overwhelming experiences. I decided to write about conversations also.

On another conversation, questioning on Anjali’s interview, he mentioned how interesting it is to interview and learn about people. He interviewed me and wrote a blog.

It was an amazing experience. I interviewed him in return and loved the experience. I started interviewing people and blog about them.

At times, I didn’t find any motivation to blog but, I recalled how Vinod Ekbote, friend of Harimohan told him about blogging. “It’s a lonely journey. Keep writing. Let’s travel alone.”

I realised how I tried to see things in a way I want to see but not in the way they’re. Blogging is a lonely journey and hell yeah, I decided, I’ll blog no matter what.

TEDxHyderabad Meetup

Less in number but many ideas were brainstormed. Speaker release is on the swing.

As the D day is near,everyone are up with lot of enthusiasm to work.
Clockwise L to R Ramesh, Harini, Pankaj, me, Rahul, Kavya, Kashif, Ekta, Ranjit, Rahul, Anthony

Anthony bro brings the laughs with his puns and his well timed jokes. Ranjthi bhai reminsces old songs.

Huddle with hearty laugh and heartfelt songs was a good sign to call it a day. And also it gave me a good push to write for a whole day.

All geared up for September 24.

If interested to join for the celebration of idea, people can apply at

Holidays with Harimohan paruvu

Days would be scheduled with too manys events. Weekends would be occupied by many things but, a talk with him or time spent with him leaves me with a positive feeling on everything.

Amid paced out life, talks with him let me take things step by step and work on them.

We discuss from mere politics to personal stuff. I love the way the perspectives are drawn towards anything.

We discussed on ‘Project Aristotle,’ a google initiative which described about teamwork.  As discussion prolonged on interesting topic, “Psychological safety,” examples were drawn from Dhoni’s leadership  and a lot of cricketer experiences.

As ever, conversation continued on books we’re reading and movies we’re watching.
Besides a wish to meet him,  I also wished to play with Anjali for sometime.  It’s good to spend time with kids forgetting everything for a time.

Adult Question Series

Question Series.

No question is a stupid question  but, there are questions which seem obtrusive and very discouraging.

I was at the photography exhibition, discussing about exhibited photographs. An adult intervened  and asked me, “What do you do?”

I said, “I’m a writer and love writing.”  He quickly wanted to validate the tag ‘writer’ and asked me to which  paper I write.

I explained what I was upto.

Next question was regarding my work.
Next question was regarding my designation.
He went on questioning about my work and workplace.

The moment I was diverting the conversation towards art, he clinged to the work and was authoritative bombarding with lot of questions.

Questions to validate about  me being a writer didn’t better his day or mine. I hope he comes up with better questions when he makes conversations.

Viceoroy's house- Movie

This movie is about India's partition from Viceroy's house perspective.
I always saw movies from agitator's perspective but, from the person who works closely with British people during partition is interesting.

Not sure about the facts but, it's interesting to know that Mountbatten was made as victim to the partition. Though Winston Churchill drew a line in 1945 dividing India and Pakistan , Mountbatten was made as the architect of the whole partition.

Gurinder Chadha directed very well and glad to see Om Puri in the movie. Wonder what took the crew to release the movie very late even after the movie was done long time back. Background score is soothing and enhanced the movie a lot. I loved the movie.

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Nice link- Books you should read before you turn 30

AR Rahman Mash up by Sharayu Sakri

This mash up is special for my senior, Sharayu and also me too :)

I remember requesting her to sing one song which I love to listen in her voice. "O cheliya" from Premikudu.

Days passed. Months passed and out of the blue she sent me the video asking me to give my view. I was delighted to listen to her singing so many amazing songs.

Now, she got featured in the website for the video she did long back. Happy to see her featured on popular website.

I recall the lines, "Keep doing what you love and things will fall in place." I'm happy for Sharayu.

Here goes the link:

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Travel Diaries- Gulbarga

L to R Kailash, Suresh, Aadi,  Karan, Anil

Kids enjoying the view

After a detour at fort
New friends at new places. I was enjoying the view at fort and these kids climbed and sat enjoying the view. I didn't disturb them, they didn't disturb me. I wanted to visit 600 year old grave yard. I was enquiring with Security and he directed, he also spoke to these kids to help me. They were so excited to help me. Asking about my destination, they suggested me to finish the fort and then head to the grave. Thanks kids for the detour. 

The man with seven second memory- Documentary

A must watch.

It's shocking and surprising to know that such a disease exists. You meet him and talk for more than 7 seconds, he'll forget what you spoke 7 seconds before. He can't read a book, he can't watch a movie and he needs to remind himself every time he's awake.

Perpetrated. Perplexed.?

His life is more than that.

Clive Wearing, a musician  who suffered from dense amnesia.

It's intriguing and at the same time cringy to know how he manages to live, unconsciously.

I can't describe enough about his wife's pain. She stayed with him for years serving him.

I loved these lines and reminded me of being grateful for what I have.

Interviewer: What does normality feels like?

Clive: It's a great luxury. It's something which should be valued and it's precious.

Geneva Journals- The First Run of 2025

 It's been ages since I ran. I always wanted to run and never put my running shoes on. Today, after dropping S at the airport, I took of...