Saturday, August 12, 2017

Sunday Market Meet

As I was waiting to meet Harimohan Paruvu on a holiday, I got reminded of his words, "Very cheap and you'll find some amazing books. I'll introduce you to my friend Vinod. He religiously visit the market every sunday."

I headed to Abids to buy some good books. Being a demonetization victim, I ended up with 2000 note after  a lot of search in many ATMs.

I picked up few books and and was requesting strangers for the change. I asked the person who stood next to me and was surprised to see the person who looked alike Harimohan's friend. I forgot his name and  I saw him on social media but never met him.

Without a second thought, I inquired, "Sir, are you friend of Harimohan Paruvu? Your name starts with V!" I was exuberant to meet him on my first visit to sunday market itself.

With no expression on his face, he confirmed it's him, Vinod Ekbote.

After exchange of few words, he picked up 2 books for me and also was kind to lend me 100rs as I didn't had change to give it to vendor.

It's an amazing experience to meet people whom I  knew about but never met them. It was same with Elizabeth and now with Vinod Ekbote.

Hoping to meet him sometime soon at some other place.

Books he picked up for me  were,

Out of Sight by Elmore Leonard
The Manchurian Candidate by Richard Condon

Looking forward for happy reading.

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