Monday, May 11, 2020

Day 48 of 54( 11.May.2020)

I woke up at 7.30. Got on with morning pages. Attended office and spent 4 and a half hours straight in conference calls. The death of distance 3.0

We are on calls for a great time. There’s an agile model in the software industry, I do not know, what kind of framework is needed in development sector where there is a lot of brainstorming, orientations, knowledge transfer sessions.

With the break of a few hours, I was back on another call. This time, with teachers, building their language proficiency. Letting the teachers speak more than I do. Retire to the day, by reading bit of Leonardo’s biography.
Re-imagine India along with  Inqu Labs are hosting a student hackathon with design thinking involved. I was asked to give insights on what is happening in rural India in the field.  I shared my work and told about the systems that are involved in teacher education.
“Don’t you find it hard to work with teachers?” asked one student.

“It’s definitely hard. And that’s my job. Looking at the limitations of the people and the systems and visualizing them as opportunities to work is my job.” I said.  One more student asked, “Do you love your profession?” “Absolutely!” I said. It’s important to let children know there’s a lot of work that goes on in the field.  I joined the children from various parts of the country. It was bit unusual to refer me as ‘Abhinay Sir.’  One and half years here, I am never called as, ‘Sir.’
I got a chance to listen to Sameer from Gram Vikas. His inspiring experience included how children at his place are involved in what they love.

It’s been a week since we got onto the work. The new mode of work already seemed to be the reality of the ‘death of distance.’ It is all about time zones and free time.

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