Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Stories at Sirohi- Regular Day

I miss children as I read my diary entry of August 22nd 2019. Those were the times where I was panicking when I hit the wall in teaching the children the language. Children trusted me and wanted to learn. They were ready to listen to me. I was being restless on what to do and where to reach out for the resources. It was one of the days, where I couldn't sleep thinking about all the children and their words. 

Karan from Class 6 and Raju from Class 7 was eager to learn. They used to learn when given attention and time. Dealing with class of 28, I had a hard time in giving attention to each and every student

Diary Entry:

22. Aug
Woke up at 3.15 am,  clueless of what to do. Started the book, “What did you ask at school today?”
Went to school and gathered the prints of the cat mat books. Delighted to see kids performing Mangal Mangal song.
Further, went on to teach Karan the phonics method. He was sincere in learning. Quite a learner if given individual attention. But cannot afford to give individual attention to everyone. It is an art to give the kids their attention yet not spending much time on it. They need to be valued and they need to get that trust that I value them.
Further, I went on killing the time and seeing the 8th class kids learning ‘Praying Hands’ Everyone are silent. They pay attention but not with me. Need to focus.

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