Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Geneve Journals- The Sunflower field run

After a two week break, I began to run again. It's interesting to listen to your body. Sometimes we gotta listen to it and rest rather than push ourselves and hurt it. Does body know better than me? Am I different from my body? I don't know. 

I began to run in cold weather, covering my ears with radium colorful ear plugs. I ran past my favourite car parking place. The black mercedes replaced the vintage red car. Sad to see the change but, change seems to be inevitable. 

I ran past the sunflower field. Within a few months, a new crop would be sown at the field but, for me, this ground will always be a sunflower field. Touched down another field where I saw couple of sunflower plants in the past. Now, the ground is clear, all set to grow a new crop. 

Enjoyed the sights and returned home running. 

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