Sunday, October 22, 2023

Soliloquies- The long journey

 I remember asking my writer friend who works in Development sector to share some suggestions on writing."Renny do you really want to pursue writing?" he asked. 

"Yes" I affirmed. "Let me tell you few things then," he explained, "to pursue writing is to pursue lonliness. Do you want to be lonely in life?" he asked. 

I laughed out loud and said, "by no choice, I'm already lonely. I'd pursue what I love and stay lonely rather than do nothing and stay lonely." Both of us laughed and continued our conversation. 

With 13 years of experience in writing, I'd agree with him that writing is a lonely task and lonliness is not bad thing. We need it to create that work. Tomorrow, I've my exhibition Empty Spaces-Maya Nadhi. Events are usually filled with conversations, meeting different people and listening to them. 

I cherish this moment to reflect on all the lonely times I spent to create this piece of work, empty spaces maya nadhi. People who crossed paths in life. Places that have inspired me through this journey, have not been visited from long time. Even now, on the eve of exhibtion, I'm staring at my pieces all by myself, having a different sense of energy, being grateful about the whole journey. 

Till this moment, these pieces had a very limited audience. After this evening, they are no more mine. It's open to public, it's open to opinions, it's open to praise and it's open to any form of response. 

I celebrate this moment. I know it's gonna be lonely after this whole celebration.
Hoping to walk with some travelers, cross paths and keep walking in life. 

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