Book- The Shallows by Nicholas Carr
“I am unable to read books these days. I can’t concentrate beyond a page,” complained my friend.
“Do not stop reading. One page at a time.” I suggested.
“What’s stopping her from focussing on? What’s changing her habits?” I
“Using the internet has rewired your brain and turned you into a
flibbertigibbet,” shouts Nicholas Carr. Is it so?
Way before the Internet
era, Marshall McLuhan highlighted the influence media exerts over us.
“Medium is the message. In the long
run a medium’s content matters less than a medium itself in influencing how we
think and act. As our window onto the world, and onto ourselves, a popular
medium molds what we see and how we see it- and eventually, if we use it
enough, it changes who we are, as individuals and society.”
This book is about how does a
medium(internet) effect the way we think, read & remember.
The book is not a decry to go
back to the pre-internet era but, shifts our perspectives and give us food for
thought and help us to reflect on our acts over the medium.
Before the author discusses how
internet affect our lives, he discussed the ‘neural plasticity’ and few stories
on how internet has changed our reading habits.
Internet makes you feel smarter.
Because of the ease of access to the information, we prefer the tit bits of
information rather than the whole piece.
Duke University professor
Katherine Hayles confessed, “I can’t get my literature students to read whole
books anymore.” e can understand seriousness of the issue where literature
students prefer skimming and scanning on the internet to reading the whole
Thinking and Writing.
Plato wrote ‘Phaedrus.’ The tale
in which, Socrates and Phaedrus take a walk having a dialogue. They discuss the
“Should the Egyptians learn to
write, it will implant forgetfulness in their souls: they will cease to exercise
memory because they rely on that which is written, calling things remembrance
no longer from within themselves, but by means of external marks.”
People ridiculed writing and were
critical of it. It is interesting to study the oral tradition before we discuss
the literacy and its culture.
Oral Culture:
Before we were into writing,
communication was through oral traditions. The knowledge was transmitted
through speech, lore, verse, ballads, chants. Oral culture got emotional and
intuitive depths that we can no longer appreciate.
It was more of sensuous involvement.
In this culture, thinking is governed by
capacity of human memory.
Knowledge is what we recall and what we recall
is limited to what we can hold in our mind.
Then came the writing.
Writing on stones, bits of cloth, earthen
pottery, scrolls, wax tablets.
Before books, were the wax
tablets lashed together with the strip of leather or cloth. The concept of
flipping the pages or break in the writing was not present in scrolls and other
Even after the technology of
books progressed, the oral world influenced the way the pages were written.
There was no word separation. “Words
ran together without any break across every line on every page, in what’s now
referred to as scripture continua.”
The lack of word separation reflects the style of speech. It was written
as it was spoken.
No spaces. No pauses. How do people comprehend. What’s
their reading speed?
In the past, the absence of word order
conventions, placed an “extra cognitive burden.”
Living in the rich oral culture, most Greeks and
romans were more than happy to have their books read to them by slaves.
It was not just a book. It was used more as
audio book!
With the collapse of Roman empire, the written
language got a break from oral tradition. As time progressed, ‘the reading was
becoming less an act of performance and more a means of personal instruction
and improvement.”
By the end of 12th
century, we were done with the style of Scripture Continua. There was word
separation and there was change in the pace of reading. During this period,
there was a transition from loud reading to silent reading. “Writing, for the
first time, was aimed as much at the eye as the ear.”
“The placing of spaces between words
alleviated the cognitive strain involved in deciphering text, making it
possible for people to read quickly, silent and with greater comprehension.
Such fluency had to be learning. It required complex changes in the circuitry
of the brain, as contemporary studies of young readers reveal.”
“Readers become more
attentive. To read a long book silently required an ability to concentrate
intently over a long period of time, to lose oneself in the pages of a book, as
we now say. Developing such mental discipline was not easy. The natural state
of the human brain, like that of the brain of most of our relative in the
animal kingdom is one of distractedness.”
“To read a book, was to practice an unnatural
process of thought one that demanded sustained, unbroken attention to a single
static object. It required readers to
place themselves at what T.S. Eliot, in Four Quartets would call, “the still
point of the turning world.”
We were learning to be attentive.
We were teaching ourselves to focus and
“The ability to focus on a single
task, relatively uninterrupted is a strange anomaly in the history of our
psychological development.”
Before the advent of the books,
we were attentive but, with the books, as we read deeply, we thought deeply.
There was a shift in consciousness as people immersed themselves in the pages
of a book.
What’s next?
There are various factors that
played in the advancement of books. Papyrus. Paper & printing!
So many books- so
much confusion!
All around us an
ocean of print
And most of it
covered in froth.
There’s a bit romanitcism of
reading as well. Here’s the poem
written by Wallace Stevens, “The House of Quiet and the World was Calm
The House Was Quiet and The
World Was Calm
The house was quiet
and the world was calm.
The reader became the book; and summer night
Was like the
conscious being of the book.
The house was quiet and the world was calm.
The words were spoken
as if there was no book,
Except that the reader leaned above the page,
Wanted to lean,
wanted much to be
The scholar to whom his book is true, to whom
The summer night is
like a perfection of thought.
The house was quiet because it had to be.
The quiet was part of
the meaning, part of the mind:
The access of perfection to the page.
And the world was
calm. The truth in a calm world,
In which there is no other meaning, itself
Is calm, itself is
summer and night, itself
Is the reader leaning late and reading there.
How does reading affect the
reader’s brains?
Liker painters and composers,
writers were able “to alter perception” in a way “that enriched rather than stunting
sensuous response to external stimuli, expanded rather than contracted
sympathetic response to varieties of human experience.
While, we celebrate the reading
rage and reading culture, in late 17th century, inventor lee dee
forest invented the audion, the device “for amplifying feeble electric
currents.” It became the foundation of
the electronics and used to amplify electric signals, audio transmissions,
revolutionise the telephone and radio usage.”
Thinking of the future
application of electronics, Dee forest believed, “electron physiologists
would be able to monitor or analyse thought or brain waves. He concluded, “a
professor may be able to implant knowledge into the reluctant brains of his 22nd
century pupils. What terrifying political possibilities may be lurking there!”
The world of Internet
Charles Babbage. Alan Turing.
Analytical Engines. And much more. The computer story goes beyond Babbage. Ada
Lovelace, daughter of poet Lordy Byron had an important role to play in the
field of making the computer.
From computer, we cruised through
World Wide Web. We are on our way to virtual reality, artificial intelligence
anything but reality!
At the beginning, the web was
progressed by imitation of Gutenberg’s press. In fact, the very term we came to
use to describe what we look at online- pages- emphasized with printed
With the words on the net, there
was a rapid adoption of e-mail, preparing the grave for the personal letters!
Soon after the text, came
photographs and audio, subsuming the telephone technology, radio. Then came the
videos online, subsumed the technology of cinema and television.
“The NET differs from most of the
mass media it replaces in an obvious and very important way: it’s
bidirectional. We can send messages
through the network as well as receive them. That made the system useful.”
There’s a lot of text on the NET.
We read more than ever. Anywhere and everywhere there’s text but still, it’s
not the same.
“A new medium is never an
addition to an old one. It oppresses the older media until it finds new shapes
and positions for them.”
Books and the types
There is a lot of advancement and
changes in the way books are read. We have digital books, kindle, vooks(videos
in the digital books)
Books with a lot of hyper texts.
People celebrate the hyper texts and cross referencing but, there’s dark side
of it. There is a lot of distraction and cognitive burden for constant
distraction while we read. Reading a
paper back or a book in kindle, is it all the same?
“A page of online text viewed
through a computer screen may seem similar to a page of printed text. But
scrolling or clicking through a Web document involves physical actions and
sensory stimuli very different from those involved in holding and turning the
pages of a book or a magazine. Research has shown that the cognitive act of
reading draws not just on our sense of sight but also on our sense of touch.
It's tactile as well as visual. "All reading," writes Anne Mangen, a
Nor wegian literary studies professor, is "multi-sensory." There's a
crucial link" between the sensory-motor experience of the materiality of a
written work and the cognitive processing of the text content." The shift
from paper to screen doesn't just change the way we navigate a piece of
writing. It also influences the degree of attention we devote to it and the
depth of our immersion in it.”
The internet is no more just
words but a lot of audio and visual content. And everything is in abundance. So
much in abundance that “whenever we turn on our computer, we are plunged
into an ecosystem of interruption of technologies.”
Interactivity, hyperlinking,
searchability, multimedia- all these qualities of the Net bring attractive
“Their value as navigational
tools is inextricable from the distraction they cause.”
“When access to information is
easy, we tend to favour the short, the sweet, and the bitty.”
Changes in reading style has also
brought changes in writing styles as authors and their publishers adapt to
readers’ new habits and expectations.
The effect of Net on brain
is more interesting than the history of books, reading, and a lot more. We get
to learn about ‘neural plasticity’ ‘Working memory’ ‘long term memory’ and few
concepts on how mind works.
The Juggling
With the Net, we celebrate
multi-tasking and we interrupt ourselves in every task we do.
Our heavy use of net has
neurological consequences.
How mentally taxing is it to be
on internet?
“Try reading a book while doing a
crossword puzzle; that’s the intellectual environment of the internet.”
“The depth of our intelligence
hinges on our ability to transfer the information from working memory to
long-term memory and weave it into conceptual schemas.”
We are disrupting the transfer of
those information by being distracted at big time.
“The division of attention
demanded by multimedia further strains our cognitive abilities, diminishing our
learning and weakening our understanding. When it comes to supplying the mind
with the stuff of thought, more can be less.”
How does these interruptions
affect our memory?
As we keep shifting our attention
from different landscapes of multimedia, psychological research proved that,
“frequent interruptions scatter our thoughts, weaken our memory and make us
tense and anxious. The more complex the train of thought we’re involved in, the
greater the impairment the distractions cause.”
Why multi-tasking is not so
cool as it looks?
Navigating the Web requires a particularly
intensive form of mental multitasking.
Flooding our working memory with
information, the juggling imposes what brain scientists call,” switching
costs” on our cognition. Every time we shift our attention, our brain must
reorient itself, further taxing our mental resources.
“Brain takes time to changes goals,
remember the rules needed for the new task, and block out cognitive
interference from the previous, still – vivid acidity.”
Of course, with the internet, we have
a lot of advantages. It makes our life simpler.
With the case of London cab
drivers it is explained how our brain changes, becomes good at few activities
and mediocre at the other activities. “Our internet usage is impacting on our
creative thinking, reflective thinking,” says the author.
Nielson, a consultant on the
design of web pages, wrote in 1997 after his study of online reading. “How do
users read on the web?” he asked then. His succinct answer: “They don’t.”
“We shouldn’t allow the glories of
technology to bling our inner watchdog to the possibility that we have numbed
an essential part of our self.”
What can be done?
Be attentive.
The sharper the attention, the
sharper the memory.
“For a memory to persist, the
incoming information must be thoroughly and deeply processed This is
accomplished by attending to the information and associating it meaningfully
and systematically with knowledge already well established in memory.”
The shallows: How the internet
is changing the way we think, read, and remember reminds us to reflect on our
humaneness. Interesting read. If one is interested in psychology and
neuroscience, give it a read! Highly recommended.
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