Friday, April 3, 2020

Day 10 of 21 Days.

The morning chores seemed to be the active meditations. Able to clean out the room early morning, setting the thing in its space. Is everything clean? No. I haven't organized my room but, organized the spaces where ever I work.

Done with morning pages, meditation and work out. I'm going habitual at the new things I took up. I also took up the 100 days project with Srinidhi Dasaka and group.

Today Dyu tried a dish with the curd. A mix of everything. At first, when he was making it, I thought it was Khadi. But, he brought a whole new flavor to it. Mashed potatoes, rice, and that new dish. Happy lunches.

From Monday, I would be taking all the meetings through Teams and zoom.  Snail progress with the draft and read Murakami's ultra-marathon' experience from his memoir.

Call with Naveen brought up a lot of conversations on post Corona world scenario. The numbers are scary. Prayers to the whole world. Looking forward for another day. 

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