Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Travel Tales- My name is HIMGI

When we visited Kala Dungar, I walked along the stairs enjoying the scenery. At the stairs, sat two boys with their dholak. I sat near the boy, Karm Veer Singh who began playing Dholak and has a cloth with few rupee notes on it. On being asked, he mentioned the school and the class he studies in. He is studying 7th class in Govt School. 

There's another boy down a few couple of stairs. "What's your name?" I asked. "Himgi," he  began spelling his name, "H I M G I." An infectious smile and playful looks, Himgi studies in 7th class, along with Karm Veer singh. 

"Who taught you this dholak?" I asked Karm Veer. "He taught me." Karm Veer pointed out Himgi. 

"I taught him and I learnt from his brother," mentioned Himgi. "Can I come there and play together with him?" asked Himgi.  "Yes," I said, and sat at the stairs, watching their performance. Both of them began singing out loud. Sometimes Gujarati, sometimes Hindi. A few latest Bollywood songs and a few more old songs. These kids  were good at what they were doing. They enjoyed performing. "What do you do with the money people give you?" I asked. "We give the money to our parents."

"What does your parents do?" 

"They build houses. Mistri ka kaam," the  boys replied. I spent enough time with them chatting what they do after school and how they learn new songs. These kids are over exposed to the digital media. They have access to every sort of entertainment. 

I'm enticed by their charmful smiles and the way they enjoy performing the dholak.  



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