Corporate Stories - Mentors in learning

I was trained in mainframes coding but, was never into it. I reached my HR for mentoring and sought help in choosing the roles. I was given a chance to work at Project Management Operations. As a shoulder surfing process, I reached out to Ramya and Srikanth to learn about it. 

Ramya being a senior  (4 years exp) and Srikanth being a super senior (15 years exp) handled me in a great way. They never insisted on planned learning. They put me at ease with their conversations. They gave me a lot of tips on owning the work and taking responsibility at situations. Amidst conversations, Srikanth and I hit off very well on the poetry. We shared our poems and discussed our writing processes. 

After completion of sessions, I went ahead with my account delivery partner to work on my own. Whenever I travelled to synergy park to meet my friends, I also met Srikanth to discuss the progress in our writing. Srikanth got beautiful stories and creative narrative style. During my first days, I was amused to meet Srikanth who had his head engaged in complex economics and finance as well as the heart to appreciate the poetry. 


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