School Diaries - Difference between digit and number

It's important we don't kill the creativity and curiosity of children. Today, children were asking a lot of questions in math class. The students were learning digits and it's places.

3rd standard student asked, What's the difference between a number and a digit?

I had no clue and never gave it a thought. As student surprised me with the question, the teacher also surprised me saying, "I do not know. Will ask others and find out."

All my childhood, I 've never listened to such an answer. Never heard, "I don't know" from the teacher. They always signaled it that they'd refer and get back or totally skip.

For the first time, I've  seen a teacher saying, "I don't know."

And she indeed said later. "Digits are like alphabets and Numbers are like words."

It's important to say I don't know but it's bad to sit idle without knowing if you think you don't know things. 


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