Geneve Journals- Impressive Prof David Rodogno
I'm grateful to all my teachers who taught me in my life. There are a few who left a lasting impression by being themselves. The last prof who etched an impression is Dr.PSP, the one who taught me Engineering Mechanics. I loved the way he taught. He always wanted us to look beyond the problem on the pages.
On similar lines, I could find Prof David Rodogno, being himself, communicates to look beyond what's in front of us. On the first day, he talks about doing what one really loves. Introduces course that has a very different approach to learning outcomes, pedagogy and other aspects.
"There are too many numbers and measurement. For once, we want to do the other way. There are no assignments, no questions, no exam. Just attend and participate." Trusting the process for once to see the results is a daring task in the world of academia where people are often behind the tangible learning outcomes, to the level that one can plot the learning points on graph.
He also curated the list which is very close to his heart. Firstly, he loves and wants all of those speakers on the list. Being very passionate about it makes me curious to learn more from his session.
He began his first session by bursting myths of International Geneva and pushed us to stay in the question of What's International Geneve, how international is Geneve and also the other dark, bright sides of Geneva
Shared few books on Geneve, songs written on Geneve. Impressive. Looking forward to catch up more in these classes.
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