Saturday, September 2, 2023

Geneva Journals- The Evening run

As the day turned brighter, I got read for a run. Got my shoes on and ran downhill, listening to some music. Running across the nations, I run into S and A, who were catching up for their mentee-mentorship bonding. S being S, invited for a walk across the lake. Though I seemed the third wheel to them, I stayed, listening to them as, who doesn't like good company. I was ready to postpone my run for a bit. 

S showed the path and we walked sharing our stories. The places we lived, the names we are called and the stories that came along the way. None of us had one place to identify ourselves with. All of us had multiple places to identify with. That's one thing worth pondering on. 

Parce De La. As we walked, S & A wished to have their own time and showed me the path to the lake. I was back on my own game. I went ahead for a swim. 

Swimming in a lake is becoming an adventure as the memories flash and I struggle to stay calm in waters. After few minutes of swim, I got back to the shore, put on my shoes and went for a run. I realised that Geneva seems to be the best place to practice for triathlon. 

In few minutes, the clothes got dried and I was panting running on the slopes and parks amidst the tall trees. I love Geneve for being the best place for everything. You name it, Geneve has it. Plenty of green spaces, international crowd, lake, happening city with art and much more. I'm so happy to live here and check out this place. 

I ran in the botanical garden and returned home, trudging on uphill. Good day. Hope S & A had the most happening friday without me. 

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