Sunday, April 10, 2022

Jaipur Journals- Jaipur Friend

Thanks to G. I got to know his photographer friend, Aishwarya, a Jaipurite . As I relocated to Jaipur in the month of July, I wanted to explore the local places rather than the tourist places. In such thought, I reached out to Aishwarya through Instagram. I do not know her except, that she's good at photography. I asked for help. She was generous and always showered me with a lot of suggestions. Be it a food place to eat or the art place to hang out, Aishwarya was the first person to reach out. She heartily helped me in the need. 

After 7 months of helping with a lot of suggestions  now and then, we were at JKK, sitting next to each other unaware of each other's presence. 'Where are you in the concert?' she asked. Right to the console I replied. "Abhinaaaay" came out a stretched hand with a wide smile. 

Pleasantly surprised for the sudden meet. 

Aishwarya is cool person to hang out with. We caught up over coffee along with her friends, Rafay, his brother Ali, and Aishwarya's brother who doesn't miss a chance to pull her leg was also present.

Had a great time catching up with her. Thanks to her friends, I'm getting a lot of place suggestions to explore. 

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