Rewind. Replay - 2020

Welcomed 2020 at home and travelled to Sirohi to meet the children and spend quality time at school. Three more months, fellowship was about to be ended. With a lot of vague plans, ambitious decisions, I welcomed the 2020.

Never I have ever imagined the COVID crippling us to stay at our homes for months. I realised how fortunate I’m to have a home to stay in. There were a lot of people who struggled to live during these tough cruel times. Lockdown has given me a lot of time to reflect. At beginning, I thought a lot of death. Over the time, I began to be at peace with all the situations that were happening around me.

Learnt to be grateful for everything I have. COVID-19 has showed me the inequalities of the society in magnifying glass.

I began painting in 2020. Done with more than 30 paintings.

I also began waking up at 5am. I always assumed; I can never be a morning person. Reflected on the futile attempts of staying awake at night and began waking up early. Enjoyed the sunrises and early mornings.

Read 33 books in which I completed the books, I badly wanted to finish since a few years.  Loved the biographies of Leonardo Da Vinci, J.R. Moehringer. In fiction, Pearl S Buck, Murakami, Anthony Doerr were enjoyed. In non-fiction, got introduced to Sherry Turkle, Nicholas Carr, Robert Sapolsky. Need to explore more genres and authors.

Watched 104 movies in this year. A lot of movies could be skipped. I began watching Bengali movies this year. Began watching the classics of Mrinal Sen, Satyajit Ray.

Collaborated with Shivani Sharma and wrote poems for ten days without a break.

Completed the first draft of ‘Window Seat.’ Got a lot of work done on it.

Scribbled a lot of synopsis and ideas for the next draft. Happy with the ideas I got on for upcoming books, I’d be writing.

Thanks to Pandemic, I turned more regular at blogging and published 464 posts. An equal number of drafts are lying in the box. Will upload them soon.  Went in field and interviewed a lot of individuals

Not always a big fan of virtual meets, I began my work through virtual mediums. Facilitated 10+ workshops. Pursued 5 courses through MOOC platforms.

Got introduced to the literature on psychology.

Travelled in and around of Sirohi. Trekked around 3 places, visited a lot of waterfalls. Travelled to Kumbhalgarh, Jaipur, Jaisalmer, Tilkeshwar, Maha kundeshwar.

Spent a lot of time at home, playing with Mikey.

Grateful and happy to reflect my journey so far, in 2020.


  1. I'm thrilled reading this piece of writing. It's amazing how 2020 with it's topsy-turvy turns taught us a lot of things! Grateful how we all survived it.. The way you unfolded your journey amuses me!
    Keep up the good work
    Happy and a prosperous new year!
    Much love ♥️


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