Captive - Lyrical Video

Sruthi's melody- captive, literally captivated me by its melody and those subtle humming, she elegantly hums, bringing a breath of space to smile and enjoy the voice, words, and the song. 

I skimmed the description of the song, "contemporary pop theme-" and hoped that the song got a few classical elements.

Turning my hopes alive, the song has a breeze of classical elements. A smile beamed on my face thinking, my hope turned true.

More interested in the story of the song, I read the description this time, "contemporary pop theme, flavored with Indian classical elements that come and occasionally go through the song."

I was glad, I skimmed at first and enjoyed the surprise(classical elements) of the song. Also, the lyrics of the song are worth reflecting on. Enjoyed it.
Commendable work Sruthi. More power to you.


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