In dialogue with Abhishek- Proximity

Abhishek is a theatre practitioner and I got a chance to catch up with him and talk about theatre and his thoughts on how does theatre evoke emotions and move spectator. 

Watching theatre plays, I was surprised on how it evokes a response. Closely watching the characters in near distance, the experience was different from different mediums. On asking, how does this work, Abhishek mentioned, “It’s with the proximity. You’ve two lively beings at same place interacting. You are observer and slowly you take over the place the actor and think accordingly.

What’s with this proximity? There are a lot of virtual mediums creating proximity, however virtual, I thought. When we talk about proximity, we’ll never find this through virtual mediums, I realized. 

When we know that proximity brings humans together, why are we running away from each other and still craving for proximity. 

In a utilitarian society, Market, politics, culture, society drives the changes the aspects.

For instance, in the urban landscape there’s less proximity in our lives. We wake up and spend half our life in traveling to workplace and at workplace. Limiting ourselves at the workplace, we've less proximity in the modern ways we work in. Proximity sabotaged by workplace effects our family landscape. Eventually, we’re running away from the warmth. As a society, it has a last longing effect.



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