Monday, December 20, 2021

Books- The Wordless conversation and people behind it

My poetry collection, "The Wordless Conversation," is a compilation of poems that I wrote at different instances. Here's the list of the poems and the time/people/inspiration behind it. 

Ineffable beautiful soul - Poem for Amrutha

Her-- Inspired by a dream where I saw a girl whom I never saw in real. 

Star!- Inspired by a person who is always out of reach yet inspires me to make things in life. 

May be. May be not--- Abstract poem I wrote randomly. 

Shalom-- It's an acrostic written on one of my friend. (Acrostic is a poem where all the first letters would make a meaning or name)

The wordless conversation - Abstract poem I wrote during late night randomly.

The kohl eyed Connoisseur - Abstract poem again ( No particular inspiration from people for these poems)

Her Presence   - Written on one of my senior, Whom I admire a lot. 

Beware of Silence - Written during a late night, enjoying the silence

Joy  - Acrostic( Guess for whom I wrote :p) 

Oh Dear Wave- Inspired by Sea

Four Things - No Particular inspiration

Empty Canvas- Written randomly

Love you Stupid! My Dame. - Acrostic. Written on person who inspired me to write the poem, In between the bridge which turned out to be my first novel title. 

There’s no end- Written during a new year night. Couldn't understand the shallow celebrations and penned down this poem. 

Deprived of the Sea- Abstract poem inspired by sea and nature.

Strayed Stay  -- Cathartic Poem( Just scribbled to put out my feeling at that point of time 

In between the bridge….-- Written after having a conversation with my friend. ( Will share the full poem later)

No clue. Out of blue-- Cathartic Poem during my job days. 

Hear me O Night!- Cathartic Poem one of those silent nights. 

Nighttide-- Cathartic Poem during one of those silent nights. 

Chains of Freedom-- Cathartic Poem when I 

Needs. Wants. Desires.-- Cathartic Poem when I hated the materialistic cravings around me.

St.Valentine-- Written on Valentine's day hating how people redefine love and the day nicely with their own interpretations. 

Know! --Cathartic Poem when I realized the value of learning and the act of having learning mindset towards life.

Terrorism & Faith-- Wrote when I was disturbed by terrorism and violence.

Perfume of the Light-- Wrote on hope, war, and violence. 

O Sea! - Inspired by Sea

Aruvi- Inspired by movie, "Aruvi"

Ella pugazhum iraivanukke-- Written for A.R.Rahman

A note of Silence-- Written while I was listening to "Jaage Hain" from Guru

To be on the road-- Cathartic poem during hitchhiking

Angry human’s Tale- Written how being negative turns our life into those four words. If one has negativity in life, their life is just those 4 words.

#Besides_the_ride-  Written about hitchhiking reality.

Stories-- Summarised my life in these words.

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