Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Stories on Wheels- The Butcher

 Every time I ride from office to home, I ride through the long roads of IIHMR University to have my dinner at Shankar Lal Restaurant. Five feet away from the road, I see a brightly lit wooden saloon shop playing soothing old Hindi melody songs on big box sized speakers. The wooden walls are covered with yellow papers.  The shop owner sits alone in the shop under the white LED light and look at the road, sometimes locking the looks with the passengers who look at his shop. Just like how I did. 

A little bit of pedaling ahead, is this old butcher in his red turban under the blue light, waiting for his customers. On a yellow flexi, in Devanagari script, was written,"Prabhu Meat Shop." Looking closely on the wooden shop, "Jhatka Meat" was hand written in red paint. 

The Butcher in a red turban wrapped in a shawl seemed to be the Prabhu, sacrificing every murgha and Bakhra to his deity and sell the meat. 

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