Corporate Lessons-1
Ask for what's there.
Seek for all the possibilities.
Knock the door to know what's in there for you.
Soon after I joined the organization, I asked people about various possibilities I can do in it. It's a vast organization. I believed that anything can be possible at any time. I was put under Mainframe Training. I've no knowledge of either mainframes or the languages. But, still, I never stopped asking people about various options in the organization.
I never hated the course but never liked it as well. Thanks to many friends, I got onto the course and meanwhile, asked for various alternatives.
During the course, I sought out various possibilities of learning. Not on par with Mainframes but on various modules. We had English Communication course. I've engaged in the course at various levels. Participated in various competitions, tried out various modules. Failed in a pathetic way but, I had a great time. Thanks to Panchami, Romona who always encouraged for all the interactions. I participated in Teamwork courses, Weave a story competition and impromptu emceeing. I loved communicating. I loved interactions. Following my interests, I sought out the possibilities and enjoyed my time at TCS doing whatever I wish for.
Thanks to all the interactions I had with various friends, we ended up playing Mafia Game. Panchami & Romoana were good players. During all the free time, we played and played the game. Many memories were made during the games.
The result of this seeking possibilities trait gained me an invitation to host a storytelling session at the end of our course. Perfect end to my training. Had a great time sharing a few stories
At the end of the training, I knew I haven't mastered in any coding course. I do not want to end up anywhere in the place I don't like. Clueless of any mentoring, I asked my trainer for advice and shared my interest. Took a few suggestions from him. And kept trying to strike a conversation with management for right advice and mentoring.
HR Head, was right there whom I believed, would help me out by advice. I went in shared my situation. Not really good at all the learning I had during the training, I shared what I'm good at. Shared all the stories, right from how I joined TCS to, how I got through the whole training.
She said, "we don't expect you to be masters of all the coding but, make sure you're having the learning mindset to work with people across functions and various other modules."
And my HR taught how organizations work. Listening to my experiences, she referred me to Project Management Operations Lead role for the new project headed by my Training Head.
If not for these traits, I'd have never ended up wherever I am.
Never feel inhibited to say, "I don't know"
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