Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Stories on wheels - Talks during hitchhiking

Small talks.

I was always conscious of what I talk to strangers. I tend to stay silent if there's something that I disagree upon. At most, I deviate the conversation to talk about other things.
During my hitchhiking near Mysore, I reached Srirangapatna and was in awe at Tipi Sultan's glory. Knowing about his usage of rockets at an early age let me remember him for good reasons.

I received a ride on a bike who graciously asked my whereabouts. Realizing I'm from outside, he shared what's famous in Sri ranga Patnam and started narrating Tipu Sultan's stories. 

It'd have been nice if he stopped there but he kept on going from trump till all the religions. He spoke ill of all religions and boasted his whereabouts. 

Least interested to continue on this conversations, I neither nod nor debate about it. Simply, I got off the vehicle telling I reached the place. 

I value the small talks and I can't afford it to be bigotry talks. 

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