Sunday, December 30, 2018

Gratitude Tales-2018

I have the small greeting card given by Tale Tellers troupe back in 2017 Gratitude Tales session. And here I'm grateful to attend the 2018 session.
I attended during the middle of the session and Santosh gave them the exercise of thanking one person whom you're grateful to.
Everyone shared their story.
Arunima took over the session inviting everyone to share their gratitude stories.
I shared how small word changed my perspective and helped me to be grateful throughout the time.
Others shared their stories. 3 of 9 shared how they fought depression. How they took it in a positive way about going through that phase.  Others had terrific stories where one person is 51and has done a lot in his life. Good and bad. Mostly bad and how he's optimistic about making a living from now on. There was a story of how a dietician feels responsible and works beyond the call to see the smiles of children. There's one musician who shared his story as well.
One person shared how he made friendship with a schoolmate over Chakde India DVD.
Thanks, Arunima & Santosh for hosting it.
Except for these two names, I don't know their names but,  their stories.

Good time spent.

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