Theatre Plays- Mann se Manch Tak by Natak Toli

UNICEF has collaborated with Rajasthan State Comission for the protection of Child Right, and has planned out an initiative to introduce theatre to the children living in villages to express themselves well. They have roped in five theatre practitoners and ran a 5-month-programme introducing theatre and play making to these children, hailing from different villages. 

After  5 months of the whole programme, the children arrived at Jaipur to perform infront of everyone on the  occasion of Children's Day. A good initiative by the government as well as UNICEF. Mumal, along with her friends, Himanshu, Varthika, Chelcy and others played a pivotal role, introducing children to theatre. It was important to get connected with them and help them express rather than attain perfection, shared Mumal while describing her experience of this whole process. 

From our childhood, we all grew up seeking perfection assuming that drive us to attain excellence. In that whole perfection seeking attempts, many of us have given up doing what we may have enjoyed to the fullest. 

As Mumal mentioned of  how they tried not to seek perfection, they wanted to get connected with children and know them better to bring in their stories on the stage, just like how their tag line states, Mann se Manch Tak. 

Children, majorly from Falodi, Ajmer have formed into five groups and made five plays. City Girl, Mera Sapna, Papiyo-Sheher ki Yatra and two other plays. Most of the plays are themed under women empowerement and girl child education. 
As a child, getting onto the stage itself was a big deal.These kids, for the first time, got into theatre and performed infront of large audience is a big feat. Great efforts by the team and all who were involved in this. 

At the beginning, the chief guests launched  a handbook that has all detail of this programme's journey and  pedagogical practices and many visuals depicting the journey of this programme. Would love to checck it out. A good show.


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