Sunday, November 13, 2022

Jaipur Journals- Painting Lessons with Malavika

 I never learnt painting. Neither I picked any Youtube channel or any digital source to learn painting. I bought brushes, paint and am off to create pieces. Malavika visited home and in the act of showing her my work, I realised I painted  alot of pieces. This is complete. This is interesting, she'd quickly appreciate and put the pieces aside. 

She looks at few pieces and told me to work on it. She didn't tell me what to do but, she suggested me to spend time. Just like how I paint, I realised, I don't need to go technical and do some cover-up work. I sit with paintings and I may get to know what to do with them. 

Also she looked at few colors and series of paintings and quickly pointed out the time I spent on the paintings. I could closely observe my paintings and see how they're communicating to me, in one sense. 

Geetika was also accompanying us. She asked, what do you see in this painting?  For that question, Malavika replied, "I can't put it in words. If there was something that could've been expressed in words, Abhinay could've done it already. Instead, I can respond sensorially, rather than articulate it. For articulation purpose, if I say, it'll be only for articulation purpose and that could be nonsense."

There's no need to look for meanings in specific, I realised. 

I never clean my brushes post my paintings. For that, I've accumulated a lot of dry paint brushes. I need to clean them all. These days, I was wondering that I have no canvases to paint. Looking at my work, I realised that I have enough canvases to work on.

Malavika's suggestions and feedback was quite rejuvenating to get back on the canvas and spend time in painting. 

Thanks Malavika & Geetika for coming. Had a great time. 

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