Monday, November 21, 2022

Jaipur Journals- Move Your City by Maah Space

 Shreeya & Kamaakshi were present at Patrika Gate, writing down numbers on papers. I was happy to see them and was excited for the  event we were going to participate. 

Maah Space began to  organise this Move your City, to experience the space and claim the public spaces in a new way rather than visitng them and memorising the places visually. 

Claiming spaces seemed to be an interesting idea. Slowly people walked in and joined. As we formed a circle, a audio file was shared and asked to begin the journey at once.

We put our headphones on, turned on the audio and on to our own journey at this space. Imagine 15 people with their head phones on listening to one voice that's narrating the story about the night. Claiming the night. 

How does the night evoke you? What does it mean? Look  at  the stars, look at the clouds and wind  that's driving all the vehicles. 

Slowly, we began to walk, dance, move to the music of the audio  and the stories that flowed through the nigght. As the darkness descends, we were asked to  meet a partner. I looked across and met this person with poised face on her, keeping hands in our pockets. We shook our hands. We were told to either choose and ask one person to  close their eyes and the other should guide the place physically. I held her hand and invited her for a  walk. As she closed eyes, she was completely dependent on me and I had to take her for a walk without causing any hurt. We went through stairs, places, and shifted hands letting her touch the walls and feel the texture. 

As it was my turn, I closed my eyes and walked as I  was guided. Though I was letting myself to trust, my body was bit reluctant at first. As I took some time to let it through my body, I had a cathartic feeling to trust an individual and walk with the help. 

How beautiful a society would turn out with high trust amongst everyone. This is one attempt creating a high-trust society, I thought.

Later we had to choose one of the arches to enter and pick  a message for us.  I got this message on the night. The text was apt capturing the night with t he moon. 

The moon unfurled and it reminded me of the times I saw a moon through the leafless trees. 

We gathered in a cirlce and read out our messages. All through out the event, Kamaakshi participated with us. Shreeya took  a corner and observed us folding her hands with a smile just to witness. Why do  we do  this?  

The happiness of seeing people creating art, being themselves. That's something that drives us. 

At the end, we all gathered to share our thoughts and experiences. One gentlman was in a hurry and hustled others to introduce themselves and bid bye. 

Sad that we couldn't bring a closure to the beautiful experience we got. As a part of  introductions, I got to know that the stranger whom I met  is Tanvi. 

Thanks Shreeya, Kamaakshi for this experience. 

I'm glad, I met Saad, Mohit, Tanvi, Kamaakshi and others. 

Thanks again for this beautiful intitiative. 

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