Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Holidays with Harimohan Paruvu

I reached home and found Harimohan being busy with his work. Anjali was also busy but, she was okay to have my company. She was  finishing a task at Khan Academy on Java.

She knows more than I ever tried to know of the languages. She knows SQL, Java, Html and I’m looking forward to see what she’s going to learn in future.She showed me her works at Khan academy.  I showed her what I was tweaking with my domain. She  shared her webpages. She also taught me few parameters in Html. I showed little interest since, it was regarding webpages. (I’m all up to do something at my website ;))

She made me sign up at Khanacademy.com and assisted me to take a course on Html. I took few lessons and finished few tasks. We spent little time on it and called it a day for Html.

We were caught up with random stuff and I joined her while she was preparing for her exam. Started with General knowledge questions and we ended up asking random questions.

Shoba mam made dinner for us. Never I left their home without having either lunch or dinner.  After a simple supper, I left home bidding bye to Pooja, Anjali wishing to meet them on another holiday.

Thanks to Anjali, I started learning Html. Hope I spare sometime and finish the course on Khanacademy.

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