TEDxHyderabad Meet up

Being part of TEDx community is fun and being part of  TEDxHyderabad is super fun.  Today's meetup made me recall all beautiful memories of TEDxVNRVJIET. The anxiety, excitement and the intense thoughts to make everything TEDxy. The enthusiastic TEDxHyderabad team paved a way spreading many ideas and impacting through thinkers, enablers and doers. 

Viiveck was first to join the meet while Pankaj was hosting the meet at his office.  As clock was ticking, people kept entering and the moment the house was full, it filled with laughter and also a lot of brain stormed plans. 

There were jaw dropping elements regarding the event which would be revealed in no time by the community at public spaces.

Joining TEDxHyderabad team made me recall all the beautiful moments I had at TEDxVNRVJIET. 

TEDxHyderabad team
After series of discussions, Kalpana, one woman army briefed us on the initiative which she is working on. "Live the lakes" The kind of work she put in is progressive, inspiring and thought provoking.

After 2 hours of meet, we called it a night departing to our own destinations. It's good to be back working with the community full of thinkers, enablers and doers.

The main event is on september 24. exciTED for the D-day.

People who are interested check out the website. www.tedxhyderabad.com


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