Thursday, November 26, 2020

Memories- One day, Four Years

25.Nov.2016, 4 years ago

Post college, Bangalore became my second home. Leaving Hyderabad, I went to live in Bengaluru leaving all the expectations of everyone. Let me study for CAT, I thought. Why should I do MBA, I questioned myself. So much of doubt, so much of lack of clarity. I was not hearing anyone’s advices. I was not ready to listen to anyone’s advices. I wanted to take break. And I was sure of it.

What did I achieve from the break? The break was so important that, I could believe, I can own up my actions and still live with it.  I wanted to do nothing after engineering, just to tell myself that, I do not lose any worth if I decide to do nothing for some time.

On this day, I returned to home (Raichur) from Bengaluru to spend rest of the year with the family.

 25. Nov.2017, 3 years ago

Post break, I was ready to work. I took up the job, I was offered in the placement. Despite being trained on coding, I asked to work on the management side to learn the business. I believed in the power of asking and I got it. Contended about the work I did; I enjoyed every day. Vikas left for Australia. Everyone was working their way to do something. Bala, Raghu and Prudhvi together opened Retro Drive In. On this day, the RETRO Drive inn got inaugurated.


25. Nov.2018, 2 years ago,

Everyone got busy in their lives, including myself. Why do we work? I began questioning the purpose of the work. Unable to spend time with loved ones. Am I unable to manage the time effectively? Or is it tough that I am unable to spend time with loved ones? It is priorities and decision making, I confirmed. On this day, I accompanied my childhood friend in traveling to Mumbai via Bangalore. Early morning, I flew to Bangalore and then with the friend, we flew to Bombay. Met another friend. Spent afternoon. Flew back to home. It is all with the priorities and decision making, I realized.


25. Nov.2019, a year ago

Decisions made. Worked on the plans. Quit the corporate job. Pursued fellowship at Azim Premji Foundation. Waking up during the winters seemed the toughest thing for me but, it’s in these winters, the kids work, wash dishes, cook food and then head to school. During these times, comes Nanu, Shailendra’s daughter. She is 4 years old and wishes to join her Dad to the school. School is full of assembly, timings, classes, and little playing. For Nanu, it is all about playing. During the assembly, she was busy drawing on the ground, posing for the art she created.

 25. Nov.2020, a day ago,

Nothing went as expected. COVID-19, lockdown, unlock,  travelled to home during the pandemic situation. 

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