Wednesday, December 21, 2022

2022 in Months

 It's nice to reflect, wrap, review, close,reveal, 2022 in many different ways. Let me look at 2022 through months

Jan- Back to Jaipur. Worked on Travelers' University

Feb- Traveled to Karnataka, Chhatissgarh

Mar- Met Vaishnavi, got to learn about Soft Pastels.

Apr- Traveled to Uttarakhand. Began to work on Colorless.

May- Traveled to Bangalore. Perfomed 'The Art of Conversation'

June- Elli got married. Mohan mama passed away. 

July- Traveled to Karnataka. Attended a play at Hyderabad with Shyam &  Jaya. Thought of 629 KM walking expedition idea with Malavika.

Aug- Traveled to Sirohi, Pali. Caught up with Shankar, Azhar

Sep- Finished the first draft of Colorless at Uttarkashi. Traveled to Nepal. Caught up with Ruchi, Prateesh, Prashasti,

Oct- Attended Lok Rang festival. 

Nov- Traveled to Jodhpur with Harry & Vasu. Celebrated birthday with Maah Space

Dec- Pratyusha got married. Met Aishwarya, Srujana, Yashwanty after 12 years. Met Padmaja mam & Ratnamala mam too. Caught up with Jaya, Prudhvi, Bala, Shyam Swami, Chinmay, Sandy bhai, Hemanth, Naveen. 

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