Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Holidays with Harry - Storywriting

This time, we caught up for lunch, ordering food from Subayya Gari Hotel. We got a packet full of curries and basket full of rice. A delicious lunch. 

Harry quickly took out the print outs of the SOP I drafted. Focusing on my purpose and institution demands, he quickly jot down lines. Watching him skim and jotting down thoughts was a learning experience. I could clearly understand on how to begin a draft.

1) Focus on the purpose of the text
2) Do not think of word count, style, grammar
3)Write.Write and just write

Soon after some time, we went out to pick Anjali. Caught up with Anjali for a few minutes. Exactly the time between picking her up from Banjara hills and dropping her at Ameerpet. I hope she continues to chill out, rather than be too worried about the final exams she has to take,

Later  in the evening, Sagar, Sheetal, Harry huddled for a story narration. I joined them and tried to be an active listener. Watching three of them thinking the story in depth and various point of views is compelling me to learn more about story writing. 

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