My first private anime film screening in Jaipur. This is hosted by alliance de francaise Jaipur & Theater of Open Society. Sanjana Sarkar hosted the screening and gave a little intro about the screenings, the organisations and the initiatives by them.
The Swallows of Kabul is an adapated movie written by Yasmin. A young married couple lives in Kabul under the Taliban reign. Zunaira, Mohsen are young in love. Despite the daily misery in life, they forsee for a better future. In the movie, Zunaira, is an artist who loves to listen to loud music and paints on the walls. Mohsen is a calm lad, unable to protest yet, struggling to live according to Taliban. This is a story depicting the dullness in lives and the hope for a better future, through four characters Zunaira, Mohsen, the jailer and his wife.
After the screening there was a conversation with Animation filmmakers, Anna Doshi & Thezeeb Khurranna. Anna Doshi, came up with a lot of Anime movie suggestion.
Bombay Rose-Netflix
South Park
Three ladies in burqa- My father wears Burqha.Youtube
Listening to anime movie makers on animation. I could realise that there are different type of animations based out of countries. Does India will have a signature animation style? May be, it's matter of 10 to 15 years.
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