Saturday, November 4, 2023

Geneva Journals- The Theatre Huddle

Elchin was lying on the floor, enjoying the view. I joined her and asked, when did she begin enjoying theatre? She mentioned that she was late and started enjoying theatre since high school. If she began enjoying theatre in high school and feels she's late, I wondered how I'd should feel who began to acknowledge and appreciate theatre since 4 years. 

Nyan walked in and this time, we balanced the stage, walked across, selected a partner, did mirror, hypnosis and gold fish. Everything was a flow! We transitioned so smoothly and with the apt music, we were tapping our bodies, warming up as well as adding rhythm. 

This time, we delved more on image theatre and began to make images. It's interesting how I presented myself from the events happening in my life rather than thinking too much about what I shoudl portray. And that's what seemed to work. Who am I ? What's my story? If we are here to express ourselves? Why not put ourselves on the spot rather than sharing any other story. 

As people joined, the story began to weave and Nyan helped us to find our characters and what we're intending to perform. Surprisingly none of them had an eye contact with anyone. Miscommunication, not willing to talk. Fear of being there to have difficult conversation are few thoughts that flashed. 

Who are you? What do you want? are few questions that helped us to ponder on what exactly do we want out of it?

Later, through an active meditation, we were given instructions to visualise. we performed Big ear where we listen to others, to understand. Elchin and I worked together on this exercise. We share other's stories as our stories. 

At the end, we discussed, how we could use this stories to build a play. 

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