Jaipur Journals- The long route

Old habits do not die. As I come out of my workplace on a friday night, I didnt’ wanted to go to my home straight. It’s friday! I want to chill out, I thought. I tried checking out for some places. With COVID protocols in place, every place would be shut by the time I reach. 

I cycled towards my home unwilling to reach my home. I noticed the bikers coming in wrong direction, I noticed the truck that sells huge stones of rock salt. Watching the MG, TATA showrooms, and the fruit sellers haggling under their cheap white LEDs, I continued cycling. Where do I go? Where do I go? I asked myself. If I take left, I’ll go home. If I go right, I’ll go to market place famous for their Sanganeri print kurtis.  

I continued cycling straight. I did not know where to go but, I was determined to not take the home direction. I continued cycling noticing the cart sellers who was having a lot of customers to buy the boiled eggs. A few metres ahead, I could spot the bar and restaurant. There’s a cycle store, pharmaceutical, a lot of gajak bhandaars, allen solley showroom and a lot of footwear stores. I skipped the main road, taking a swift left turn entering the small lanes of some unnamed colonies. Cycling through the busy streets while listening to Tume se hi from Anjaana Anjaani movie, the streets didn’t seem to be cumbersome. Watchful of the vehicles around me, I went around cycling. I took another turn entering some residential space. By this time, I’m unsure of my location. The only thing I was sure of, is that I’m far away from home. I continued cycling on the patchy roads where I passed the busiest streets. In those streets, the pedestrians seemed to feel like super humans. They show their hand and expect every vehicle to stop. Besides being on snail space, I ran into so many pedestrians who ordered me to stop by their hand gestures. Passing through the crowd, I entered the deserted dark streets. I had no idea where I was. I could easily take out my phone and check the maps but, I decided to not use it. Relying on my spatial memory, I began to decide the right and left lanes. Let me explore these jaipur lanes only! I thought and went on cycling. I cycled for 25 minutes and at long distance I could see the bright street lights flickering. I knew I’m leaving these dark streets for the main road. I ended up reaching the airport road. The road that takes me home. Quickly after an hour ride through the streets, I rode to home feeling satisfied by the way I spent my friday well, atleast didn’t come home easly. 


  1. Good...road less traveled as always.did you read the book by the way?


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