Into the woods

I never knew that I'd get out of the places and travel. I was never conscious of the desire to explore. I wasn't conscious of it. 

To try, to explore things out was never in my bucket list. First of all, I never had a thing called Bucket list. Not even now. To travel and to introspect was something I was never conscious of but has been doing it all the time. Be it solo traveling. I've been doing it all from my 7th class. I hardly took a note of it. Social media wasn't there to post them. And also now I don't like to post them whenever I'm on trip. One or two posts. I'm done. I don't want to either brag it or boast it.

Looking at myself at the secluded place reminds me of Meghana's lines who told me once, "Abhinay I imagine you running into woods leaving all these busy things??"
And she said in a silent tone which seemed to be of confidence. I was taken a back listening to her imagination. I never had those kind of thoughts then. 
Myself & Meghana

Now, I'm surprised retrospecting her lines. At present, the imagination is almost turning out to be the truth as I'm always running into places away from the urban fuss


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