Thursday, July 12, 2018

Stories on wheels - Breakfast

As my office cab drivers and I always get along. We had breakfast together.  He was happy by the gesture and thanked. He also shared how goodness can make life beautiful and good.

"Once, I was a Uber driver and had a frequent passenger. One day, he came up to me and requested o drive him to bombay since he had to attend an exam.

I helped and took him all the way to Bombay. 

I didn't expect anything and yet at the end of the day, besides paying the diesel bill, tollgate fee, he also wanted to pay me.

I denied as I thought I was helping him. But finally, he came to my room and insisted to take money. 

Sometimes, help without any expectation make life beautiful" said my Driver.

I'm happy for my hunger caused both of us to stop for breakfast and get into the stories.

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