Sunday, September 8, 2024

Travel Diaries- The Neighbour Yoseph

Living at Berghof, I was wandering around the vicinities and became familiar to the neighbourhood as well. I got well versed with few neighbours. Even though, I don't know much german, I managed to build rapport with a few. Over a walk, I came across an elderly man in his typical bavarian shorts and hat looked at me. Guten Morgan, we exchanged our greetings. When we tried talking to each other, we realised that he doesn't speak English and I don't speak german. Thanks to few words that we know in German and English, we managed to know a bit about each other. 'Nationality' he asked. Indian, I mentioned. Immediately, he said, Gandhi, Nehru and associated India to these names. I was amused by their perception of India. Have you been to India? I asked moving my hand to symbolise the flight. No. Istanbul, he murmurred and added another country- Turkey. Have you been to Switzerland? I repeated the question. Suisse, wonderful country, he said in german. Atleast, that's what I could understand. After that day, whenever I walked, both of us exchanged greetings Guten Morgan. AllesGut. We couldn't improve much beyond these two words but, the smile with which both of us greeted mattered a lot. Also, ahaa, is the expression he says before saying, Guten Morgan. 

After a few days, I noticed music from far away. I stood for long time, listening to the music. I tried to spot the musician and there, he sat, Mr. Yoseph, playing the horn witnessing the sunset. I didn't wanted to disturb his solitude and maintained the distance. After a while, he looked around, spotted me and welcomed me by waving his hand towards. We can speak a lot without words, I thought. 

I joined him and enjoyed listening to him amidst the sunset. We exchanged a few words and I got lost whenever he continued speaking more than 2 german words. I love the fact that they value being close to nature and do what they love. An abundant life. I'm glad I could catch up with Yoseph for a while. Thanks Yoseph for catching and up performing a few pieces for me. 

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