Friday, September 6, 2024

Book- Mutant Message Down Under by Marlo Morgan

 I met a reader who was hoarding books in her bag as she was traveling. Interesting title, it seemed. I'd like to read this book I mentioned in one of our conversations. As we were parting, this book is for you, she mentioned and wrote a full page letter wishing me a good reading. I love readers who value the act of reading and sharing books. Touched by the gesture, I began to read and this book is all about the teachings I had so far about understanding our positions in the realm of this earth. An american woman walks distances with aboriginal tribe in australia, a journey that changes her perspective and life. I love few aspects which author talks about- the act of seeing time There are few words I'd love to quote and read it time and again. 

Books on the rails

"It is okay. It only appear seperate but we are all one. That is why it is the gameof the creation."

"They believe how you feel emotionally about things is what really registers. It is recorded in every cell of the body, in the core of your personality, in your mind, and in your eternal self."

"Do you understand how long forever is?"

"Humans cannot exist if everything that is unpleasant is eliminated instead of understood.When the flies come, we surrender. Perhaps you are ready to do the same."

"Oneness is not a thing. Mutants seem addicted to form. They can't accept anything invisible and without a shape."

"I began being water. As I walked, I used all my senses. I could smell water, taste it, feel it, hear it, see it. I was cold, blue, clear, muddy, still, rippling, ice, melting, vapor, steam, rain, snow, wet, nourishing, splashing, expanding, unlimited. I was every possible image of water that came to mind."

A few more interesting aspects I found in this story is naming people and celebrating time when they feel they're better than who they were in the past.

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