Tuesday, January 24, 2017

In dialogue with Carolyn Theresa Simon

Carolyn is a enthusiastic person whom I met in Bangalore. I got to know her well through her food blog. She’s a food blogger and her new interest is Yoga. She’s anything but mediocre. If she likes something she's curious and tries to know a lot. With a charming smile and a sharp voice, she meets and greets. Soon after the food arrives, she opens the camera and clicks saying, "this is the routine I do when I visit places." After few talks on work, Bengaluru traffic and other stuff, we started the interview. On roll with the conversation.

AR: What were your childhood dreams?

Carolyn: To become an astronaut, Air hostess, doctor.
AR: Why Air hostess? Carolyn: Meeting pilots and people in aviation, I developed affinity to this aviation field.

AR: When you started dreaming big? Carolyn: I started at very small age, whenever I used to go to restaurant, I used to take pictures. I used to click half eaten sandwich. My parents were amused looking at me, wondering what I'm upto. Clicking pictures, I used to write only 2-3 lines. Maximum 20 words. Looking at what I wrote and clicked, I wanted a platform to put all these, so I found Zomato.
I like challenging myself. Being in Zomato, I wanted to reach leader boards.  I want to be the best in anything which I pickup. That’s how it all started

AR: There are two things. Being at your best and being best among all. So, what's your side?
Carolyn: Being the best among others. I know this brings lot of stress but, I'm in that way.

AR: I'm glad you have that clarity of thought.
Carolyn: If you find me riding a bicycle, I want to be the best at it, If I join a company, I'm competitive in my own domain.  Everyone may not want to be like me but, I’m in this way. I want to be the best.

If I'm best among others, invariably I can be my best.

AR : You seem to be very competitive!
Carolyn: I never get satisfied. If I reach a position, I look up to see what more to reach.

AR: which dream scared you the most?
Carolyn: Being a famous blogger scares me the most. I'm very apprehensive about sustaining in the field of blogging.  It's more  scary.
AR: Which dream grew on you??
Carolyn: Food blogging.

AR: How you got inclined to food.
Carolyn: Who doesn’t get inclined to good food.  
AR: What are the daily routines you do to achieve your dreams?
Carolyn: Eating!. (With a grin)

AR: What are your dreams?

Carolyn: I want to be yoga instructor, food blogger. I want have my own yoga studio. Health food café.
AR: What were your dreams at 10th class??
Carolyn: I want to become doctor. I loved going to hospitals. I was intrigued by the medicine field
I even want to do marketing.
AR: What were the interesting things you did in your life?
Carolyn: I ate dried cockroach.

AR: At full potential, what you can do?
C: Undoubtedly, eating!.
Carolyn, her camera and Myself.
AR: What are your great discomforts?
C: Being social at sometimes. I like meeting people not very often.  I can't put up with trivial conversations.

AR: Do you love being social?
Carolyn: I love being social, when there's scope of learning. Recently, I went on a solo trip to kochin. It was Kashi Art Café.  It was all crowded.

I found a place and was having my food. I started a conversation with the person who was in front of me.  She was an ‘Art History teacher.’ She teaches at Warwick university.  She was telling about art history. When she asked about me, I was telling what I was up to.  And then few more people came. I met a spaniard, N.R.I. We had a great conversation. There's lot of learning. I love it.

A: You're an avid learner.
Carolyn: Consciously, I don't push myself at learning . I came across people who self learn a lot. I'm not the type who consciously crave for learning. I learn through conversations.

AR: Mention your Inspirers
Carolyn: Richard Brandson. Gordon Ramsay. He has his opinions. He is scary guy. You should watch it to believe.

AR: Your opinions on Blogging.
Carolyn: It’s the way of sharing your life. It’s money making. Sometimes, complete waste of time.

AR: Opinions on Education

Carolyn: Forced to some extent.

AR: Art?
Carolyn: It’s Language of it's own. It's a different language. Like german and spanish, art is another language.

AR: Fame
Carolyn: In this day, it's very important..
AR: How badly is it important?
Carolyn: If you want to reach faster, fame is what it makes possible.
AR: Countries you want to visit?
Carolyn: South Africa for it's culture.
               Japan for the food.
AR: I don't want fame where it bothers me.

Carolyn: You can't be famous where it doesn’t bother you. That's the way of life.
AR: Restaurants you want to visit?

Carolyn: Taiwan that revolves around Toilets. People go for it's experience.  
     Dine in the air, in Sweden.

     There's another restaurant in Dubai, where everything is gold foiled.

And we called it a day by this conversation!Carolyn is an aspirer who keeps doing what she loves. She practices what she preaches. She makes sure, she spends enough time on what she loves. Wishing her best in all her endeavours.  It was lovely catching up with her at DYU Art Cafe. God bless Carolyn and may she be what she wants to be.  Peace out.

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