Geneva Journals- The Saleve Run

I target to run 5km away from the house so that I can finish running 10km. With that intention, I ran southwards from home, crossing the familiar vast fields towards Saleve. 

There are very few runners around and as I entered the neighbourhood, new number buses started appearing and I ran amidst vast grass fields. Exploring new space, I ventured into a small creek where the dried leaves covered the ground. I was aware of my foot steps and slowly found my way to the road exiting the creek. Running close to the Saleve, I reached a roundabout pointing me to France and Geneva. The concept of borders perplexed me a bit. After running for a while, I walked till I reached the bus stop and hopped onto the bus 8. I reached the vicinities of my neighbourhood and began to walk home. I left home when it was sunny and slowly, it turned out to be a cloudy day.  Will hike the Saleve sometime. 


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