Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Geneva Journals- The Flowers and Birds Recital

Athene bus stop brings up a lot of memories. Everytime, I pass it, I think of the times, I spent there waiting for the bus and also think of waiting as metaphor in life and muse in my own world. This time, I walked across the bus stop into Athene hall. Got wished by the receptionist, collected the schedule and songs lyrics. 

Before the show began, a french gentleman walked in and narrated a lot about the poetry and the times it was written. I didn't understand a word but got amused by the way french language sounds. Soon after the intro, pianist Martin Surot walked in black suit and to perform suprano, arrived Louledjian in a dazzling red gown, with purple flower in her hair, to recite poetry on Flowers and birds. There were few poems I enjoyed listening. Le Coquelicot, La marjolaine et la verveine, La fleur d'oranger.

Enjoyed the evening and got impressed by the attentive audience. At the end, they kept clapping, getting performers on the stage thrice to perform once more. A good way to end the winters. 

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