The Leader Lessons

Once, I attended Harry's meetings with his people. Harry in his usual cool manner started talking to his people. Over the time, I could see an interesting question series.

"Our libraries are not working because we do not have the books that encourage the people to read." said Harry.

"One wants Bhagavad Gita, another wants some other book. We may not afford to go according to people's taste," whispered one of the associates.

Libraries are meant to create the habit of reading and increase the reading culture. Where did we go wrong?" asked the Leader Harry and sat silent to listen out the responses from everyone.

"We're doing good," said the Librarian in confidence. On being asked about the data, number of issues, the kind of books that are issued,  he mumbled and sat back in his seat.

Leader Harry pointed out few libraries and said, "I'm sure there are so many books untouched because, they're so tightly packed in the shelves that I couldn't take out the book from it. If that's how we maintain libraries, what are we dealing with?"

Everyone in the room were quite comfortable with the notion of, all's well.  Harry looked at everyone and asked if they ever read sparing the other visitors.

"What are you reading? What's the last book you read? The book you carry, bring  it out to the bed or any book that you have now? what are you reading now?"

Of 40, 4 voices listed out the books, they're reading. 

Harry looked at everyone and gave a smirky smile to leave out the opinion of  what they are  speaking and practicing.

Another associate went on to ask, "What are you reading?"

Then came a series of books that Harry is reading.

Impressive Harry!!. Speak what you practice. Practice what you speak. 


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