SummerHill by A.S.Neil
SummerHill is a the school set up by A.S.Neil in 1921. This is a progressive Education school where
there is no force on kids to sit in classes. They're free either to study or
play. They believe in child play. In the age of the schools where there's
seldom given a thought of all-round education, this school back in the 1920s made
children's freedom the main objective. It's surprising to see such a radical
approach being started during those years.
Summerhill believes in freedom. Author Neil
emphasizes how we as adults should not demand the children to be just like
how we want them to be. Children have to grow on their own. Such freedom gives the child to be self-regulatory and makes his life.
'No classes, No
focus on studying subjects. What do they become in life asks many.'
As there's no force
on what to learn and what to practice, many kids in the school learn by their
own interest. There'd be kids of age 18 who walk out of the school with basic
literacy. But, still, they make a good life.
Neil in his words,
says, "Creators learn what they want to learn in order to have the tools
that their originality and genius demand."
By the way,
Summerhill emphasizes about the kids who lived in the free environment from
early childhood. It's unwise to expect a teen to attend the school and get
changed immediately.
How Summerhill is
different from main schools?
Summerhill wants
kids to be happy in life. They need to contend in their life. They do not force any kid
to attend the classes, they leave it out to the children. If they do not want
to read, they'll not read. When given such freedom. Neil talks about many kids
who are good in their lives. They may not be rich, engineers, doctors but
they're doing what they love.
"If a child is
free to approve of himself, he will not usually be hateful."
Many may assume,
that freedom is of no rules. Of course, there are rules made by children. They
function in a democratic way. They have
a General Body Meeting where they discuss the issues and vote it out. One student
chairs the meeting and he selects the next chairing person for the next
Children need to be
happy. Indeed everyone in this world ought to. Is it not for happiness that we strive for? They may become a
carpenter, engineer, singer, musician. Whatever they decide to become, they'll
be happy rather than doing what they don't love and spending a hateful life.
Neil also mentions
how he sees success. "Success is the ability to work joyfully and to live
The free Child.
Letting the child to be himself outlives his various self-interests and regulates himself by his
To teach children
the moral values is something that comes out of fear and jealousy. "The art of dealing with the children
can be defined as knowing what not to say," says Neil. As adults, we tend to preach and teach kids
all sorts of values that we acquired. We always try to rub in our prejudices,
notions, values jealousy rather than letting the child creating his own.
Be it about
masturbation, destruction, hatred. There are a lot of things that we prohibit
the children from, by painting a lot of things with the values we define.
Listening to this,
many misinterpret freedom. "Freedom is tough," says Neil. It's not easy to give freedom.
Giving out
everything that children ask is not freedom. Neil cracks between how his
school functions and how he deals with different kinds of kids in this book.
Many kids come to
his school with various issues. Neil tries to analyze and solve their
inhibitions, hatred.
Neil talks about the love that cures everything. To explain what love means is to explain what love
is not in our terms. Neil shares a lot of anecdotes talking about how children are
not to be misinterpreted.
Most of the content
in the books seems relative to me.
Ranging from
Obedience to Religion, Neil discussed a lot in this book. It's quite an
interesting read.
It'd be unwise to strictly take few things granted by reading the book as it's for every book. Highly recommended yet suggested to be more reflective during the reading as, one would get shocked to read various strong analysis be it on adults or the children.
It'd be unwise to strictly take few things granted by reading the book as it's for every book. Highly recommended yet suggested to be more reflective during the reading as, one would get shocked to read various strong analysis be it on adults or the children.
To this year, also
the Summerhill functions headed by Neil's daughter Zoe. The prerequisite to seeking admission to this school is that parents need to read Summerhill and discuss
it with the principal. Quite an interesting read.
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